careful! The OCU recommends not using these 5 toxic cleaning products in your home

Cleaning the house is something we do almost every day, but what we don’t know is that there are Products not highly recommendedaccording to consumer and user organizations (Oku) because they contain Chemicals and Toxic Substances If they are used to clean rooms where we live for long periods of time every day, such as bathrooms, kitchens or bedrooms, they can harm our health.In this article, we tell you which products contain toxic ingredients that we can stop using and use because We found a greener cleaner Bathrooms, floors, glass, tiles, fine surfaces or ceramic hobs.

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has prepared a list of five cleaning products it recommends not to use in the home because they damaging effectsbecause they can Pollute water sources and harm the environmentalso Dangerous if inhaled, irritating on contact. Let’s take a look at them in detail!

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How do cleaning products affect health?

When we buy cleaning products we consider value for money rather than their ingredients, but the fact is that there are many cleaners, e.g. Degreasers, air fresheners, uncloggers or oven cleaners contain ingredients that are harmful to our health.

As far as degreasers go, it contains toxic solvents that can affect your liver like you nervous system. As far as oven cleaning products go, they tend to be corrosive because they contain caustic soda, which can cause serious problems for your oven. digestive system.Air fresheners may cause respiratory problems, such as Bronchitis, asthma, or migraines. Below, we’ve seen all the cleaning products the OCU recommends not using and all the problems they can cause to our health.

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Which cleaning products are toxic?

Bathroom products

According to the OCU, toilet products are the most offensive because they typically contain the most acid.Additionally, they can add water pollutants (perfumes and dyes that go directly into the sewer), and apparently Harmful to health. Additionally, they are not as effective as people think, so it is better to use traditional bathroom cleaning products such as vinegar and use a broom, rag and sponge to increase their effectiveness.

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