Cases of unknown pneumonia increase in China, mainly affecting children

China, particularly Beijing and Liaoning province, has seen a worrying rise in cases of unknown pneumonia. The disease, which mainly affects children, has attracted international attention and raised concerns about the possibility of wider spread.

Distance between affected provinces and urban centers

The report showed that the two affected urban centers of Beijing and Liaoning are 700 kilometers apart, raising concerns that the pneumonia could develop into a wider epidemic.

Report of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

According to an alert issued by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ProMED), hospitals in the above-mentioned provinces are experiencing capacity overload due to pneumonia cases. The most affected groups appear to be children and teachers, suggesting the initial spread may have originated in schools.

Symptoms of disease and ignorance

According to reports, the symptoms of this unknown pneumonia are difficult to identify because the disease has not been fully diagnosed. Affected people develop high fever, fever, and lung nodules with few other symptoms. ProMED highlights that a patient’s lack of coughing is a sign of the condition.

Possible cause: Mycoplasma pneumonia

According to some official reports, it is being considered that the strange pneumonia in China may be related to the Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria. The World Health Organization (WHO) office in China said the bacterium could cause an outbreak every three to five years and considered it an expected possibility. If Mycoplasma pneumoniae is confirmed, symptoms may not appear severe and include sore throat, fatigue, and sore throat that may last for several weeks.

international response and monitoring

Although no international alert has been issued to date, the situation is being closely monitored. Domestic and international health authorities remain alert to any further developments in the increase in pneumonia cases in China. Uncertainty about the nature and origin of the disease highlights the need for a cautious and coordinated response to contain its potential spread.

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