Castile and León happy that Aragon corrects Quiles focus

Board of Directors castilla leonand welcome yesterday’s Aragonese government Correct Soria and prove her innocence According to what they noted a month ago, the gastroenteritis outbreak may have been caused by Cryptosporidium protozoa found in the waters Quails River, It was born in the province of Soria and spans port of zaragozaAccording to Ical, the river will flow into the Ebro River in Tudela (Navarre).

Public Health Director Sonia Tamames assured that her department “remains committed” to the “need to deepen” the investigation into the cause of the outbreak.

«Finally can be verified The presence of protozoa As long as the water is treated properly, contaminants in the water do not pose a threat to people’s health. The Aragonese government has seen this happen,” he commented.

Now, an investigation by the neighboring community’s administration has exonerated the community. two weeks ago, minister of environment, housing and territorial planningJuan Carlos Suárez-Quiñones argued in Congress that there was insufficient data to link pollution in the Quiles River to the impact of Mexican fish farms. Medium sound.

He therefore requested caution in this regard as Investigation “continues” The provisions of the State Administration (AGE) are clearly mandatory, since this fact affects the three autonomous powers.

Aragonese Minister of Health José Luis Bancaleroannounced last Thursday The source of the outbreak in Qualls has not been determined and has not been identified in any city or at any business. “That’s probably because of the flooding.”

The Aragonese government will continue its detailed analysis to clarify the root causes of the problems affecting the health of more than 10,000 residents in four towns in the Moncayo region, where health problems have begun to subside and measures have been implemented. lift. Tap water consumption restrictions In some of these towns.

The presence of protozoa has contributed to contamination of the Quails River downstream of the fish farm, putting the Soria facility under scrutiny as a source of contamination.

Even the region’s local council points to the province of Soria as the source of the pollution problem in Quiles, Aragon. Among them, Tarazona has filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, demanding accountability.

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