Casual Evening (2022) Felix Tissy



From a car accident between Leopold and Alex, a strange friendship is born: the first victim is a mother who continues to haunt him even after death, the second is a wife who beats him. Irma and Henri, elderly spouses, experience the autumn of their love in a symbiosis that even death cannot destroy. In the hospital, patients locked in a smoking room exchange medical information without communicating with each other, while the head of the department cries every time he reads the medical record, unable to bear the thought of illness. A florist whose clients buy special flower arrangements to make amends falls in love with an ex-con fresh out of prison because he’s the only one who doesn’t need to make amends anymore.


every evening italian poster



Original name: All tags
Director: Felix Tissy
Country/year: Italy, Switzerland / 2022
Duration: 80′
Type: Dramatic
Throw: Bodo Krumvide, Elmar F. Kühling, Eva-Maria Kurz, Gabi Gasser, Gabi Gasser, Gottfried Breitfuss, Hiltrud Hauschke, Ingrid Resch, Jens Wachholz, Julia Brandler, Markus Schaefer, Regula Steiner, Regula Steiner Tomic, Sandro Di Stefano, Stefanie Klemm , Uli Krom, Wilmar Bieri
Screenplay: Felix Tissy
Photo: Simon Huber
Assembly: Felix Tissi, Nazzareno Neri
Music: Joanna Adery
Director: Elena Pedrazzoli and Emanuele Nespeca
Production house: Peacock Film AG, Solaria Film
Distribution: Solaria Film

Release date: 07/13/2023


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