Urgent.. Determination of the end date of the blackout in all governorates of Egypt

Power outages are a modern problem that negatively affects all life activities in the Arab Republic of Egypt, causing the…

5 months ago

Kuş çarpan F-35’e ‘erken emeklilik’ vurdu

Gone Kore Hava F-35A Lightning II, published in 2022 by the mega critic, has been shot, exacerbating the problem. The…

5 months ago

Those who can’t sleep thinking about it here: Could this be the reason?

You sleep comfortably on the couch, but do your eyes open wide when you get into bed? Can't stop yourself…

5 months ago

“Fear and confusion”… The Israeli “blockade” system turns Gaza into a labyrinth and aggravates the suffering of its residents

Aid workers have warned that Israel's new system of blockades on targeted evacuation warnings in the southern Gaza Strip risks…

5 months ago

ENGILTERE’DEN ISRAIL’e istehbarat desteği: Magpie üzerinde uçuş yapacaklar

Israel has been released from Hamas.Insani aranın uzatılması, ISrail'in uzlaşmazlığı nedeniyle hayata geçirilemezken, Gazze Şeridi'nde yeniden siviller hedef alınıyor.In the…

5 months ago

Blinken ziyaretlerinin gizli detayları ortaya çıktı: ABD İsrail’e resti çekti

İsrail basını, ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Antony Blinken'ın son ziyaretinin perde arkasını yazdı."ABD İSRAİL'E RESTİ ÇEKTİ"Blinken'ın İsrail'e olan tavrının değiştiğini…

5 months ago

Israel joins a “buffer zone” in Gaza

Israel agreed to the creation of a buffer zone on the border with the Gaza Strip, despite clear American opposition…

5 months ago

MHP Genel Başkanı Download Bahçeli on kez Tok’u vecek

odtv | Jeffery America Birleşik Devletleri'nde (ABD) is the social media phenomenon, TikTok vesilesiyle Müslüman oldu. Newlinesmag'de yer alan yazıda,…

5 months ago

It spoils its taste and our health… Thawing meat incorrectly may lead to diseases! A guide to healthy defrosting meat in 11 questions

03.12.2023 - 11:38 How meat is thawed when taken out of the refrigerator is as important to health as storage…

5 months ago

Putin orders an increase in Russian army numbers… and Zelensky pledges to reform conscription laws

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a further increase in the size of the army, according to a decree published…

5 months ago