Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Food Technology

The Institute of Food Technologists (ITA) proudly celebrates its founding anniversary, marking 50 years of continuous research, innovation and significant contributions to the fields of food science and technology.

History and evolution
In 1970, the National Agricultural Research Center established the Center for Scientific Research in Agriculture (CICA) and the Center for Scientific Research in Veterinary Medicine (CICV).
On October 1, 1973, the meat technology laboratory building belonging to the CICV was inaugurated. In 1987, the Institute of Meat Technology was established from the Meat Technology Laboratory.
In 1994, the Institute of Food Technology (ITA) was founded on the basis of the Institute of Meat Technology, opening a new chapter in food and agribusiness research. Subsequently, in 1999, the Center for Agricultural Industrial Research (CIA), consisting of ITA and the Institute of Rural Engineering, was established.

Outstanding achievements
Over these 50 years, ITA has accumulated numerous achievements and made significant contributions to science and the food industry. Some of the most notable achievements include:
Development of the first cheese containing phytosterols marketed in Argentina
Development of Animal Welfare AgreementBienest.AR
Develop meat products based on barrier technology that are stable at room temperature and have a shelf life of at least six months
Adapt/optimize analytical methods to assess authenticity in different food matrices
Introduction of high voltage technology in Argentina
Development of standardized tools for the detection of enteroviruses (norovirus, rotavirus, hepatitis A and E) in food and water
Developing untargeted metabolomic approaches to ensure food safety and quality
Contribute to knowledge on the impact of production systems, breeds and animal welfare on meat and milk quality in different species.
Determining the useful life of beef cuts destined for export. Analysis of the effects of packaging film and refrigeration temperature.
Development of a method to increase beef tenderness by activating proteases with calcium chloride.
Development of conservation programs and postharvest treatments for citrus destined for the United States and Japan
Creating a food allergen platform
The first clinical trial to assess red meat intake, conducted in collaboration with the Buenos Aires Cardiovascular Institute.

Academic contributions and collaborations
In addition to its scientific achievements, ITA has developed human capital by supervising more than 25 postgraduate theses and has published more than 170 articles in high-impact international journals since 2014. Likewise, it provides analytical and technical services to the industry. It is productive and has established agreements with numerous domestic and foreign companies, universities and R&D centers. An important milestone was the establishment in 2020 of the Institute of Science and Technology for Sustainable Food Systems (ICyTeSAS), the dual-dependency implementation unit INTA-CONICET.

Jorge E. Carrillo, Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Sergio R. Vaudagna, Director, ITA; Daniel Luppi, Chairman of the Board of Governors

On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, ITA Director Sergio Ramón Vaudagna expressed his gratitude to all researchers, scholarship holders, support and technical staff, collaborators, peers and companies who have contributed to the continued development of the Institute of Food Technology. We look to the future with enthusiasm and are committed to continuing to lead research and innovation in food technology.
Finally, at the end of the ceremony, Jorge Ernesto Carrillo, Director of the Agro-Industrial Research Center, presented anniversary plaques congratulating them on their achievements and careers.

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