Cellulite: Know 7 foods to avoid “orange peel”

Health and Beauty

Cellulite is an aesthetic problem that many people face. Find out below which foods to avoid to reduce their occurrence.

this cellulitis Or “orange peel” refers to fatty deposits under the skin that form bumps or pits on various parts of the body. It is most commonly located on the buttocks, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. It can be unsightly in appearance, and to combat it, you have to start with a good diet. meet here 7 food you should avoid

appearance factor

  • have overweight or obese
  • carry one sedentary life
  • smoking or excessive drinking habits
  • unbalanced diet
  • sudden hormonal changes
  • retain liquid
  • taking oral contraceptives
  • stress or anxiety
  • lack of sleep

cellulite type

. Hard or compact: This type is manifested on the outside of the thigh, commonly known as “shell case’.

. Soft or flabby: It mainly appears when wearing sedentary life. The main areas of its appearance are the legs, abdomen and arms.

. Edema: It is often spine-like, sticky and painful to touch due to fluid retention.Appear in thighs and knees.

Foods to Avoid to Fight ‘Orange Peel’

  1. Refined flour: they are composed of carbohydrates slow down metabolism And easily lead to body fat accumulation. Inputs to avoid include refined wheat flour, cookies, biscuits, bread, rice and noodles.
  2. Decoration in food: These are part of the calories and trans fats that affect the body’s metabolism.If consumed regularly, it can affect fluid retention and lymphatic problems. Ingredients to omit are: mayonnaise, ketchup, wasabi, and soy sauce.
  3. sausage: They are among the most desired foods by consumers; however, their content exist sodium and fat Conducive to the formation of local fat and cellulite in the body. Nutrients that must be eliminated from the diet are: sausage, ham, sausage, bacon, and bacon.
  4. Salt: Excessive consumption of this mineral can affect arterial hypertension, joint disease and Fluid retention.
  5. dairy products: they contain Saturated fat, is solid at room temperature. These can trigger sagging skin and the appearance of cellulite.
  6. candy: Sugar also regulates how the body stores fat.can be replaced with organic sweetener (coconut candy).
  7. refreshments: Its compound is high sugar and calories Makes it possible to increase the number of cellulite.

In this way, we learned about influencing factors and types. cellulitis existing. same, food This should be avoided as it increases the appearance of “orange peel skin”.

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