“Chapter closed” Marvel, the beloved star says goodbye: shocked fans

Shock in the Marvel house, shocked fans: the beloved star says goodbye. Worldwide announcement: it is not possible..

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a cinematic saga that began almost 15 years ago with the first Iron-Man. Since then, there have been tons of movies and television series that have introduced brand new characters and told juicy stories.

Marvel Studios on TV (Photo from AdobeStock) – lindiscreto.it

Iron-Man, in addition to opening the MCU, was also one of the most loved characters by fans around the world. However, his story is over: the superhero sacrificed himself in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ to take out Thanos and his entire army. His death was a dramatic but emotional moment, with rivers of tears shed in cinemas around the planet.

With the advent of the multiverse, however, a new Iron-Man could arrive from any other earth: it is therefore possible to see the famous hero again with the usual Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. In recent years, her partner Pepper has also become famous: Gwyneth Paltrow has done an excellent job in all the films in which she has participated. However, Potts did not die in the Cinematic Universe and many of her believe they see her again because she also wore one of her husband’s armors anyway. Paltrow, for her part, shocked everyone with a worldwide announcement.

“Chapter closed” The beloved star announces his farewell to Marvel: shock for the fans

The period at Marvel is not the best: the films are disappointing both film critics and fans, with the box office numbers che are very far from the glories of the past.

Marvel logo (AdobeStock) – lindiscreto.it

For several sources close to Hollywood, it seems that Marvel wants to attract and involve charismatic actors such as Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans in some projects. Many also hope to see Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch) and Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper Pots). However, the latter, a little while ago, surprised everyone with a rather surprising announcement.

During a host on Paltrow’s podcast, Scarlett Johansson revealed to the world the farewell to the Marvel world. “It’s a closed chapter.”, revealed the beautiful actress. “I think so too. Even though I’m not dead, so they could always ask me,” Gwyneth replied instead.

Marvel Studios Logo (Photo Adobe) – lindiscreto.it

The two beloved actresses have left indelible marks in the hearts of fans all over the world: with these particular films, it is known, however, it is difficult to say goodbye completely because the top management could always upset everything by ‘resurrecting’ characters, creating unpublished stories and bringing back faces “old ones” from the Multiverse.

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