charivari präsentiert: ONE VISION OF QUEEN FEAT. MARK MARTEL

One of the most spectacular Queen Tribute shows in the world.

2023 Kert Meath “One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel” grand show of the stimulating reincarnation of Freddie Mercury – ganz ohne Schnurrbart, gelbe Lederjacke or other accessories auskommt – zurück auf die Bühnen in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Canadian singer Marc Martel This is one of the best interpretations of Freddie Mercury, based on the original Queen Mitglidern. Brian May And Roger Taylor This will happen 10 years after the Queen Shows on the Globe tour.

“He sounds just like Freddie Mercury. And it’s good for business.” Sanger Marc Martel wrote about it in the New York Times in Nashville. Seine Karriere goes international with Brian May and Roger Taylor live and together “American Idol” auftrat.

Celine Dion has performed on a Canadian talk show with songs and video clips on YouTube and Facebook, gaining over 250 million views and 1.3 million subscribers. They sing at the Main Games of the NFL (National Football League) in the USA at volleyball stadiums Hymne sowie Queen-Songs and on an international tour not only in the USA, sondern ist in über 14 Ländern unterwegs, darunter Neuseeland, Brazil, Israel and Canada and even more in Europe. Allein in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for 70,000 Beucher bei seiner ersten “One Vision of Queen” – tournament 2020.

Marc Martel bleibt dabei stets er selbst auf der Bühne – er braucht auch gar not in a Rolle schlüpfen or sich verkleiden, das Publikum hört seine Stimme und bekommt Gänsehaut. With 4.9 out of 5 Sternen fell to die Publikumsstimmen auf Eventim erstklassig aus: “Schließt man die Augen, meint man Freddy Mercury zu hören” cann man dort lesen. There is also a “super show”, “Wahnsinns Stimme” and “tolle Band”. Marc Martel proposed von Konzertbesuchern “mitreißend und authentisch, unfassbare Stimme, Cooler Typ” and “einfach Weltklasse”.

This is the most important thing in life when Canadians have never worked on television (from Ellen DeGeneres, ARD Morgenmagazin, BR Abendschau) and mitreißenden Konzerte beweisen genau das: Marc Martel begeistert Menschen, für so, for Queen and for further live performances!

Yes, there:
19.10.2023 / das Stadtwerk.Donau-Arena

20:00 hour

Tickets ab:

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