Chicken Soup and Other Flu Remedies: Which ones work?

flu therapy
Chicken soup really helps prevent the flu. | Photo: Shutterstock.

he common coldone of the The most common diseases in winterAccording to experts, there is currently no cure.However, there are medications that can help treat the symptoms of this condition, as well as Home remedies that can provide relief influenza.

But what are some effective treatments for the flu?

chicken soup

Chicken soup is one of them flu therapy According to the Mayo Clinic in the United States, it can effectively calm and relieve congestion by increasing mucus flow.Therefore, adding hot liquid e.g. chicken souptea or hot apple juice can promote the healing process.

In fact, according to an article published by McGill University, modern research shows that chicken stock or brothincreases mucus flow and helps the body expel mucus better than other hot liquids. Cold virus.

This is because Chicken is rich in an amino acid called cysteine It helps loosen secretions, an effect that can be enhanced by adding spices like pepper and garlic. Additionally, carrots and onions contain antioxidants and potassium.

water and other liquids

Drink water and fluids such as juice, tea, and even eat chicken soup They are a great option for staying hydrated when you have the flu. Additionally, they help relieve congestion.

While there are benefits to drinking more fluids, it’s best to avoid things like alcohol, coffee, and soda, according to the Mayo Clinic.


A Foolproof Remedies for Colds It’s all about sleep and rest, because according to the Mayo Clinic, the body needs rest to overcome illness.

salted water

Do Rinse with salt water it is Flu Remedies Great for temporarily relieving sore or irritated throats. To do this, you need to put 250 ml of water and 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass.


Honey is a good food relieve cough Adults and children over one year old.One option suggested by the Mayo Clinic is to use it as sweetener Hot tea.


A Vaporizer or humidifier Cold steam can add moisture to the area, which can help loosen congestion. It is important to consider that you will need to change the water daily and clean the device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Ineffective flu treatments

list Cold medicine is ineffective It is extensive. Some of the most common are:


Antibiotics won’t help treat the flu Because this drug attacks bacteria rather than viruses, which cause common cold.

over-the-counter medications

Non-prescription drugs cold The Mayo Clinic says coughing can cause serious and even life-threatening side effects in children and is not recommended.

Other questionable flu remedies

Despite ongoing research, the scientific community still does not support certain Folk remedies to fight colds, as:

Vitamin C

According to the Mayo Clinic, Taking vitamin C doesn’t usually help the average person prevent colds.

However, some studies have found that taking Vitamin C Before starting cold symptoms Its duration can be shortened.Vitamin C may benefit high-risk groups Got a cold Due to frequent contact, for example, children attend group day care centers during the winter.


Whether the research results Echinacea prevent or shorten cold They are mixed. Some studies show no benefit.Others showed slight reductions in severity and duration cold symptoms Take it in the early stages of the disease.

It seems Echinacea It is more effective when taken when symptoms occur. cold symptoms And continue to consume it for 7 to 10 days. Additionally, it appears to be safe in healthy adults, but it can interact with many medications.


Multiple studies have shown that supplements zinc Can reduce duration cold. But research on zinc and zinc has mixed results. cold.

Some studies show that zinc lozenges or syrup can shorten the duration of treatment. cold Take within about a day, but especially within 24 to 48 hours after the first signs, cold symptoms. However, zinc also has potentially harmful side effects.

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