Children’s colds are not caused by not wearing shoes

This is a fact: Children cannot catch the flu from walking barefoot.winter cold This condition is more common than you think, and it’s not all about walking around the house without socks. Parents have several questions: Why do colds get worse during this season? Can it be prevented? What can you do to stop your child from having a runny nose all the time? We’ll tell you all this and more here. Read on and find the tips you need to prevent your child from getting colds.

Children’s colds are not caused by not wearing shoes

Come on, repeat after me: the virus does not enter through the feet! So the answer to this question is, walking barefoot won’t give your kids colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, nothing… nothing! Their feet were just a little cold, that’s all. So if your child wants to walk barefoot in the winter, you can just put socks on them.

Let’s remember that there is no scientific evidence that walking barefoot causes the flu in children. on the contrary, Walking barefoot is very healthy for young children. Especially for foot development. So, don’t worry, just let your child walk barefoot if he wants because it won’t give him the flu. The reasons are very different.

Have you ever wondered why we call young children “urchins”?Very simple: because They almost always have a runny nose for most of their childhood This is reality. This becomes more severe when they enter preschool or college. It was a rule that they would catch colds because there were a lot of viruses circulating in those classrooms and they would infect each other.

It’s the most normal thing in the world and we have to learn to live with it. Statistically, children in kindergarten or first grade are more likely to catch colds than children in another grade, although that doesn’t mean they won’t get sick, but more frequently in children as young as 3 years oldfor example, than one of 11 or 12 years old.

How to Prevent Flu in Children

What can we do to try to reduce the frequency of this nasty infection, at least this type of infection? Well, first of all, practice hand already know Our hands are one of the main routes of infection Most diseases. In addition to this, you must follow a series of recommendations:

  • maintain a healthy diet Mainly seasonal fruits, Legumes, vegetables, meat, fish and eggs.
  • Participate in sports fresh air.
  • The corresponding amount of sleep depends on The age of our children.
  • Expose yourself to sunlight according to standards of care (Use sunscreen and avoid going outside during times of increased radiation). Sun exposure is important because it affects the skin and helps synthesize vitamin D.

It must be said that there is no magic formula that will prevent our children from catching colds, no medicine that will enhance their defenses or have super defenses that will prevent our children from catching colds.really what We have to assume they will catch a few colds Over the winter, between the ages of 2 and 6 or 7, I had several colds.

Antibiotic use in children

Parents should also remember that the vast majority of respiratory infections our children experience in winter are viral infections, that is to say, They are caused by viruses. What does it mean? Antibiotics don’t work, and a lot of times you go to the pediatrician and say, ‘He’s had a cold for three or four days, can you send him some antibiotics?’ ‘

In these cases, antibiotics will not improve symptoms and may even worsen the clinical situation and may develop resistance to the antibiotics, leading to When the child actually needs the antibiotic, it no longer works. Always remember that a healthy child with no health problems will develop 6 to 8 respiratory infections per year.

In fact, it’s normal for these infections to be concentrated in the winter, so kids get sick every other week because Most of these infections are usually viral, and did not receive antibiotic treatment. The truth is, they sometimes have otitis media or tonsillitis caused by bacteria, in which case your pediatrician will prescribe antibiotics. Remember, colds are usually viral infections, so after a week your child will be like a flower.

You can read more similar articles Winter is cold, children will not catch the flu if they walk barefootbelongs to the category Children’s Diseases on

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