Chris Evans: Actor admits it would be terrifying to host Saturday Night Live

Though he has a well-established career in entertainment, the actor is adamant about his possible hosting role

Chris Evans has a remarkable career behind him that has made him known in the world of cinema. After the first roles in such films as Perfect Scorand, a comedy with colleague Scarlett Johansson who would find again in the MCU, the two films de The fantastic Four, the real success comes with the role of Steve Rogers in the film Captain America – The First Avenger. From here Chris Evans continued to wield the Captain’s shield for 6 films related to the MCU before his exit from the scene.

Although many of his roles are mainly in action films, the actor has shown that he can do a good job in comedies too, as long as they are not in entertainment shows with the Saturday Night Live.

Chris Evans.

Chris Evans, Apple TV+, Skydance Media

Chris Evans: The actor doesn’t think he’ll ever lead an episode of the show

On the occasion of an interview in which Chris Evans praised and encouraged the choice of his colleague Ana De Armas to host the famous American show, he also admitted that he himself would not be able to give such a thing. de Armas, with whom Evans first starred in Knives Out – Dinner with a crime and more recently in The Gray Man And Ghosted will lead the episode of next April 15th. On the contrary, he said he was more than sure he could not do the same. For years he has in fact avoided in every way to be able to find himself in the conduction, a cameo is certainly more in the ropes of him:

Well, I think I can make a cameo. I’ve avoided running SNL like the plague for years just because I’m scared. It terrifies me. For me it would be one of those things where I would wake up every night in a cold sweat. A cameo looks great, it’s perfect. You go in and out, you get your feet wet. But the management has my respect(Ana de Armas) This will be great, but it would give me quite a few sleepless nights. (…) I’m not a funny person. Maybe I just think so because I have some really, really funny friends who once told me I’m not funny. I know how I would feel…it would be constant anxiety, every day, constant regret. Why did I do it? I could have stayed quietly at home in my bed without worrying about it.

Although the actor is quite convinced of this thing, in all respects the transmission was conducted by the most disparate faces and not just actors. In fact, singers, writers and even musicians alternated; Chris Evans would have all the cards on the table to lead and do it also managing to entertain seeing how the comic roles of his career have worked. I wonder if he will ever change his mind.

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