Cinema, “La bella Estate”, from Pavese to Laura Luchetti, film “Be yourself” with Deva Cassel

Cinema, La bella Estate, from Pavese to Laura Luchetti, film

Laura Luchetti’s film with Yile Vianello and Deva Cassel based on the novel by Cesare Pavese will be released on August 24.

It will be released in theaters on August 24. “Beautiful summer‘, rereading Laura Luchetti famous novel Caesar Pavese 1940, laureate Witch Award in 1950.

The film tells the story of a girl in the 1930s who discovers her own body. wishL‘Love.


Main character, Ginya In execution Yile Yara Vianello, she moved to the city from countryside and discovers Turin Bohemian.

His “guide” on this new path life sensual, provocative, self-confident model who in the film responds to the name Amelia, but in the registry office, away from the cameras, she is the daughter Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel, 18 year old Virgin Casselin his film debut.

Director, Laura Luchetti He said: “The feeling of Ginia and her desire to understand herself, grow, Growing up is very similar to becoming a girl today.”

“The Miracle of History he emphasizedit’s there‘universality characters and feelings of the characters described by Pavese. It seems to appeal to the modern boy or girl.”

The director has updated Roman Pavese has almost become the anthem of a generation.
Oh yeah Liberty choose in Love and in all its aspects life, outside social conventions.

A transition between being what others want and being what we want to be, a film that invites us to be what we want to be. we ourselves.

“This is the story of the greatest freedomconcluded Laura Luchettiit is choosing who to love and deciding how to love.”

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