cleaning day? : Learn 7 Tips to Deep Clean Your Closet and Keep It Organized for Longer

wellbeing and home

Are you cleaning out your closet? Review in this instruction what you should do to get in-depth results and keep your room space organized for as long as possible.

he cupboard The space of a house can be one of the most complex spaces when it comes to designing clean and sanitizing, as providing multiple drawers and functions makes this a tedious task. Next, 7 Skill clean this furniture depth And keep it in perfect condition for a longer period of time.

1. Empty your closet

For a thorough cleaning, it is necessary debugging everything clothing or accessories It will not be used that season. When we find ourselves entering winter, summer clothes are likely to be downgraded around this time.

In this sense, you should put it in a big bag cloth or other material, or if this is not possible, donate clothes It will no longer be useful to those who really need it.

2. Ventilation

To avoid mold caused by humidity, it is recommended to leave the cabinet open for at least 15 minutes daily or periodically.

3. Remove dust

For this task, use the wet rag or a handheld vacuum cleaner Helps clean drawers.

4. Deep clean

Care must be taken when cleaning this piece of furniture.For this purpose, a piece with Wood Special Products Helps clean all corners.

Areas such as doors, drawers, trunks must be handled carefully to keep them free of dust, mold and mites.

5. Don’t forget the door

Even if a person is focused on cleaning out the inside of the closet, heDoors should never be overlooked. If there is a mirror, there is more.

In this sense, the liquid solution will be applied to such materials, cloth and newspaper, so that Won’t scratch windows for an unrivaled shine.

Regarding the maintenance of door wood, you can use lmaintenance fluid Among other things, paint for this purpose.

6. Organize your clothes properly

looking for in the closet is organization and immediacy Get the clothes people need to wear everyday and look their best.

In this quest, the owner of the wardrobe must organize your clothes color, then in each drawer order shirts/blouses first, then skirts;

7. Perfume it if you can

Finally, if you like keep deodorant For that room decluttering space, you can use some lavender sachets or odor particles A cool environment; and no moths or mites affecting your clothes.

Thus, 7 known Skill basic things a person can do when he wants to Clean arrive depth he cupboard from his room.

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