Coahuila nutritionist: Chamoy and purple bag chips cause ulcers in children

Acuña, Coahuila state. – Aims to raise awareness among school co-op leaders on the dangers of consuming Chamoy and fried foods Flamin (usually comes in a purple bag) are in childhood Just like in adulthood, a nutritionist America Sanchez de la Cruz He held a series of lectures in primary schools.

We visited two primary schools and gave talks to children about the healthy foods they should eat, as well as to the heads of cooperatives, which play a vital role in providing food for school children.“, explained.

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Sánchez de la Cruz stressed the importance of parents sending their children to school after a nutritious breakfast and that the lunches they bring to school are healthy. However, he noted that there were factors beyond his control, such as the food sold by the cooperative, most of which included Instant soups, fried foods in purple bags (with red powder), and candies containing mustard or highly concentrated acids.

Nutrition experts have warned that such products can have a serious impact on children’s health, affecting their digestion and making them susceptible to illnesses. Gastritis and leading to reflux in adulthood.

“We must avoid these foods; children should not buy them and cooperatives should not sell them. Furthermore, at home we must do everything possible to limit their consumption”he emphasized.

However, experts stress that not all options are harmful to school co-ops.In addition to pointing out which foods they should avoid Sell, suggest healthy alternatives so they can continue to generate income. These include jellies, salad greens, sandwiches, microwave popcorn, quesadillas without spicy seasonings or colors, and the popular conchita. He noted that the latter two would not affect children’s nutrition and could be profitable options for cooperatives.

Through these measures and the joint efforts of parents, schools and cooperatives, Ensuring a healthier school environment for the children of Acuña, Coahuila.

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