Cold front arrives in Mexico: 5 things you must do to prevent a cold

written in lifestyle he

Mexico’s 2023-2024 cold front season started yesterday and while it hasn’t hit minimum freezing you should take precautions so We leave you with 5 things you should do to prevent the common cold.

According to the National Weather Service (SMN), the first frontal system arrived on Monday, August 28, as frontal systems are counted from beginning September to ending May.

These phenomena have intensified since November, with temperatures starting to drop, mainly at high altitudes, and even sparking winter storms.

5 Ways to Prevent a Cold

So before the cold front hits and starts to feel their presence We tell you 5 ways to prevent the common coldaccording to research:

  1. Increased vitamin D consumption: Studies have found that people are not getting enough vitamin D, which is found in foods such as salmon, egg yolks, cheese, mushrooms and beef.
  2. handwashing: It is recommended to wash hands frequently and keep away from mouth and nose.
  3. Sanitize your phone: A 2012 study found that there are more bacteria on your phone than your toilet, so clean your phone regularly with disinfectant wipes.
  4. sleep well: Research shows that people who sleep more than 8 hours a night are less likely to catch a cold.
  5. Use a humidifier: When the ambient humidity is low, the nasal cavity will become dry and difficult for bacteria to trap, so using a humidifier can solve this problem.

Remember, these are just prevention tips for the common cold, so if you’ve already begun to experience symptoms, it’s best to see a specialist to diagnose you and prescribe medication for your specific situation.

Now that the 2023-2024 cold front season has begun, the Ministry of Health also recommends avoiding sudden changes in temperature, water flow, large fluid consumption, and wearing appropriate clothing such as hats, gloves, scarves, socks. _According to Reuters news

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