Colds, Influenza A, COVID-19, Pneumonia, RSV…why am I not recovering?

If you feel like you’re constantly getting sick or catching a cold, don’t worry as it may happen more often than usual. And, according to CuídatePlus, Raimundo Sergi Lopez-Penalver, Professor of Epidemiology and Master of Public Health at the International University of Valencia,Cold incidence (and acute respiratory infections in general) increased in recent years”. According to the Carlos III Health Institute, in the 2022-2023 season, the incidence of acute respiratory infections will be close to 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, A 107% increase from the 2021-2022 season. reason? For experts, they know it well.

This time adding “This is caused by many factorsin many cases in a synergistic manner, where one can find COVID-19 prevention measures reduced (Use masks and social distance for people); Climate change favors the spread of respiratory viruses; The facts are Viruses that cause colds may become more deadlyand changes in people’s lifestyles (e.g. spending more time in closed spaces, traveling more, stress having a greater impact on daily life, leading to a weakened immune system…). ”

For experts, What became apparent was that this constant, “eternal” discomfort was not just due to the cold. In fact, it’s virtually impossible to associate one cold with another and keep having colds for two or three months.Experts say this is “impossible” because A cold usually lasts 7 to 10 days (Only in some cases, it lasts up to two weeks), so after two weeks you have to wonder if you have another illness, such as the flu, sinusitis, or allergies. “

that feeling Frequent colds For example, this may be due to “recurring infectionsbecause through the existing More than 200 viruses cause the diseaseyou can be infected with multiple viruses (either at the same time or at different times of the year),” he said. Sergi Lopez-Penalver. but also”This could be another health issue. This leads us to confuse it with a cold, or we may be more susceptible to infection if there are underlying health conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or diabetes,” he added.

How many times can we catch a cold in a year?

Naturally, it points to Cuídate Plus Juan Antonio Márquez Vácaro, Emergency Room Physician, Quirónsalud Sagrado Corazón Hospitalin Madrid, “Healthy adults typically have two to three colds per yearlasting approximately 5-7 days“. On the contrary, in children“the number may increase Up to 10 colds per year” said an expert from the International University of Valencia.

What are the symptoms of a cold?

Colds are one of the most common upper respiratory tract (nose, throat and back of the nose) viral infections worldwide, affecting people of all ages. common”Symptoms appear within 1 to 3 days after exposure to the virususually composed of Sneezing, stuffy and runny nose, cough, headache, fatigue and muscle aches, and mild fever” said Segui López-Peñalver.

The duration of this process is usually “Between one week and ten days”, Generally speaking, “Since there is no treatment for the disease itself, if medications are taken to relieve symptoms, recovery is complete without complications. “It should be noted that”More than 200 different viruses are known to cause colds., but the most common are rhinovirus, coronavirus, and parainfluenza virus. ”

What other health problems might a cold be confused with?

Because they cause very similar symptoms, “people can easily confuse the common cold with other conditions (both infectious and non-infectious), e.g. influenza (While this condition is more severe and has the same symptoms, it is more intense), allergythis sinusitisanyone some respiratory infections, such as bronchitis and pneumonia“.

Experts point out that, in general, “These types of pathology can be distinguished by the duration and severity of symptoms and the presence of other distinguishing signs.“. Although this is not common, it is important to know”Colds can become complicated Bacterial infections can worsen symptoms and may require antibiotics. ” Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor so that he can make the correct diagnosis through a physical examination and go to the emergency room.”A high fever that persists despite taking fever-reducing medications; when a cough, wheezing, or shortness of breath persists“, he pointed out Marquez Vaccaro.

Where is the risk of infection greater?

Generally speaking, given how these viruses are transmitted, places with a greater risk of catching a cold are “indoor spaces where people gather and have poor ventilation, which is conducive to the spread of the virus, e.g. School and day care center“said university experts. It is worth noting that in this case,”Children are more likely to catch colds than adults Because their immune systems are still developing and they are more likely to come into contact with other patients. ”

Other sources of infection include:Offices, shopping malls, supermarkets, gyms, cinemas, airplanes, buses, subways…”

Tips to avoid contagion

Generally speaking, for respiratory and airborne viruses, Measures to avoid infection are:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after touching surfaces that have been in contact with others. Avoid close contact with sick people by maintaining personal distance or wearing a mask.
  • If you are sick, stay home as much as possible Avoid infecting others.
  • cover your mouth Cover your nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
  • maintain environment Clean and sterilized (Door handles, faucet handles, phones…).
  • Keep your immune system strong to help the body defend against infection by carrying viruses Eat a healthy diet and do regular physical exercise, Observe adequate sleep hours, reduce stress and avoid smoking.

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