Comesaa confirms reduction in influenza and considers situation normalized

Comesaa (second from right) during a visit to the Lugo Red Cross drug addiction assistance unit EFE / eliseo trigo | Efe

Health minister stresses importance of advancing vaccination

January 15, 2024 .Updated at 7:30 p.m.

Sanitation Committee, Julio Garcia Comesaconfirmed on Monday Influenza incidence begins to declineThe decline in hospital admissions has also been significant since peaking in the last week of last year.

kosaa normalize the situation In the public health system, despite the typical pressure on health care during the winter months and a surge in infections after the holidays, he explained to reporters in Lugo after a visit to a health care center: the Red Cross is addicted to drugs.

Flu infections in Galicia fall for a week


The peak of influenza infection occurs in the 52nd week. We had a lot of admissions to the emergency room during that time.said the congressman, who also explained that this was not the worst moment because highest number recorded just after december bridge.

The minister said that after the 52nd week, the incidence rate started to decrease and the test results came back positive and the incidence rate dropped significantly. We’re seeing values ​​over 30%, now at 19. Additionally, revenue continues to decline., he emphasized.At this time, he said The situation has normalized because it is not winter now and after two holidays because there is always a rebound.

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Regarding the epidemic of the virus, I confirm have I prefer the flu to COVID-19 at the moment. He clarified that nearly 66% were influenza, while 33% were coronavirus.

Please also remember Galicia started vaccination weeks ago because we predicted it would happen (peak) The same was true in Week 52 last year. We started vaccinating 15 days ago so that when the peak occurs we can have as many people vaccinated as possible.Comesaa emphasized that coverage in Galicia is the largest in the country.

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