Comesaña ensures flu rates and hospitalizations are falling in Lugo – Lugo Provincia

he Sanitation Committee, Julio Garcia Cosanhaconfirmed on Monday Influenza incidence begins to declineSince peaking in the last week of last year, this Fewer hospitalizationswhich gives the situation “standardization” In public health systems, although healthcare pressures are typical of winter and infections rebound post-winter “holiday”.

Kosanya made the above statement in response to questions from the media Lugoafter visiting drug addiction assistance group of Vermela Cross.

The “peak” in the last few days of 2023

“This is epic” influenza infection “Occurred in Week 52”a moment in which ‘We have a lot of people being sent to the emergency room’said the MP, who also explained “This is not the highest number because the highest number is after the December long weekend”.

“After that week, we started to taper off, and a very important fact is Test positive.we come to have Value more than 30% we are in 19%. Additionally, revenue continues to decline.have Lugo has 80 patients hospitalized with or infected with influenza.yes Four fewer than last week.have There are four people in the ICU., 1 less than last week“, precise.

At this time, he said “Things have normalized after the winter and holidays because there is always a rebound”.

The flu is more serious than COVID-19

Regarding the epidemic of the virus, the congressman confirmed that there are ‘Flu is much more common than coronavirus’ at the moment.

“Almost 66% is influenza, and COVID-19 is 33%”Comesaña clarified that he also wanted to remember this “Galicia started vaccinations two weeks ago”because “Our prediction is that it will be moved forward to Week 52, the last week of the year, and that’s what happens”.

“We started vaccinating 15 days ago so that when this type comes we can get as many people vaccinated as possible”said the MP.

In his opinion, “The vaccination is going well”.

Better vaccination data in the state

Kosanya said “Galicia has the best vaccination data in the state. Among the population over 80 years old, our vaccination rate is more than 80%. Among the population over 65 years old, our vaccination rate is about 75%”.

“Obviously we wish they were a little older, we’re still working on that”he added.

In fact, vaccination deadlines have been extended “First until January 12th” Now “Until the 26th” This month’s.

“We are expanding it because we see that, due to the high incidence in recent weeks, many Galicians have decided to get vaccinated and, of course, we want to take advantage of this situation”Kosania said.

“We are talking about about 3,000 Galicians being vaccinated every day. Therefore, there is no choice but to keep vaccination sites open and continue to encourage” That’s what people should do, he concluded.

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