common, serious, contagious diseases

The Ministry of Health confirmed on Thursday Whooping cough outbreak in Guadalajara Already affected 124 children. Everything points to the focus of infection originating in the school environment.

Whooping cough is a disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. spread through respiratory tract Its characteristics are Bacteria stick to the upper respiratory tract, releasing toxins that stimulate these pathways.Although the main impact isChildren under one year oldcases have increased among adolescents and adults, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whooping Cough Symptoms

Whooping cough symptoms appear in two stages.First, something like cold, rhinitis, mild, dry and irritating cough, and may cause vomiting.The second stage is represented by visits A severe, intermittent, and painful cough that causes difficulty breathing.

The disease is spread through the air and when an infected person talking, sneezing or coughing.Healthy carriers cannot spread the infection, and Immunity is not passed from pregnant mother to child.

To prevent whooping cough, it is recommended Vaccination, has contributed to reducing the incidence of the disease over the years. The vaccine is administered according to the childhood vaccination schedule and is also recommended for pregnant women.

Since the initial symptoms can be confused with those of a common cold, Diagnosis can be difficult. If this disease is suspected, it is recommended to take a sample of nasal or pharyngeal mucus to test for the presence of bacteria.

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