COMPANY / Ciprofloxacin, how to take this antibiotic and what are its side effects?

Ciprofloxacin, how to take this antibiotic and what are its adverse effects?

Health professionals often prescribe ciprofloxacin to patients with bacterial infections in different parts of the body, such as the urinary tract and respiratory tract.

The characteristics of this antibiotic are that it inhibits the replication of bacteria and eliminates the disease, thereby alleviating the symptoms of infectious diseases. However, it is crucial to use it under a doctor’s supervision and follow the instructions carefully. Information about ciprofloxacin, its uses, and precautions is critical for safe and effective administration. Therefore, lafarmacia Inc. provides some information of general interest.

Why and how to take ciprofloxacin

Lafarmacia explained that ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic that belongs to the quinolone class and is effective in treating illnesses caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Legionella, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

In this sense, they detailed that this antibiotic can treat a variety of conditions, especially urinary tract infections. However, they stress that it is also indicated for respiratory infections such as pneumonia and to treat exacerbations in patients with chronic bronchitis.

They note that doctors also prescribe the drug to people with sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and to people diagnosed with chronic osteomyelitis, sinusitis, otitis media, or systemic, skin, or genitourinary infections.

They say because medicines containing this active ingredient must be used responsibly, they are only sold by prescription and only in brick-and-mortar pharmacies.

How to give and dosage

Lafarmacia representatives, on the other hand, emphasized that ciprofloxacin is available in various dosage forms, such as tablets, suspensions, drops and eye drops. They note that it can also be administered intravenously. Likewise, they emphasize that the dose and timing that should be administered must be determined in each case by the attending physician.

Self-medication and adverse drug reactions

Likewise, they stress that under no circumstances should people self-treat with this antibiotic, as this behavior can have serious consequences. They note that people who take the drug without diagnosis or abuse it can kill sensitive bacteria and leave behind resistant ones. Worse still, drug-resistant bacteria can pass on their resistance to susceptible bacteria.

Likewise, they mention that as with any drug, the antibiotics in question have some contraindications. They claim it should not be used in patients allergic to ciprofloxacin and antibiotics from the same family. They emphasize that caution must be exercised when using this drug in elderly patients, immunosuppressed patients, patients with kidney disease, or patients with solid organ transplants.

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