Danny Elfman is a name well known to movie lovers, especially movies directed or produced by Tim Burton. His signature under the soundtracks of Edward Scissorhands, Batman (whose main theme is back in The Flash with Ezra Miller and Michael Keaton), Mars Attacks and more. There are also his compositions for Beetlejuice – Spiritello Porcello (1988) and the now definitive and later Beetlejuice 2 (September 2024).
On set, the first shoot begins with Winona Ryder called in the role of Lydia Deetz and news that Jenna Ortega is expected to play Lydia’s daughter. If this and the rumored return of Katrin O’Hara as Delia are confirmed, we’ll have three generations of Deetz dealing with the sprite played by Michael Keaton. Rumors also abound about the possible involvement of Johnny Depp, who has always been one of Burton’s fetish actors. The rumor is far from confirmed. On the other hand, people tend to be closer to a definite signature when they are not already involved. Willem Dafoe, Justin Theroux and Monica Bellucci.
Elfman, we said, made some statements about Beetlejuice 2 and all previous collaborations with Burton during a lengthy interview with GQ. According to the composer, the impression that the film is going to make is that it will not be a sequel like all the others. the reason? Even the mere distance from the original film that released 35 years ago could be reason enough to keep the film out of the mainstream. And yet, says Elfman, the difference would not even be noticed for the protagonist: “Even then Keaton looked like he was 150 years old thanks to the makeup”.
The shooting of Beetlejuice 2 is currently underway. The film is tentatively expected in September 2024.
Source: GQ