In the recreational area of the heritage of Chiappa (Santa Maria della Croce) in Crema and in case of bad weather in Colonia Seriana for NATURA & CULTURA MotoTeatro at Media Pianura Lombarda presents a concert. HILL – neither for money, nor for love, nor for paradise.
Written and with Andrea Ricciuto (voice) Guitar Claudio Fabbrini, Fernando Tovo, Luigi Suardi Violin Vincenzo Albini
With “Not to Money, Not to Love, Nor To Heaven”, a concept album so beloved by Genoese singer-songwriter Fabrizio De André and born from Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River anthology, we’ll experience heartfelt, raw, poignant stories. , at the same time the history of all of us. Rediscover the life stories of lunatics, judges, doctors, heart patients. All died for love, their love for freedom. The man returns to the village years later and asks where the people he knew are: they are all “sleeping on the hill”.
The Nature & Culture Review, now in its third edition, is dedicated to audiences that love theater and nature and the world it inspires, as well as good music and stories that are never taken for granted: a way to create moments participation arising from the fusion of narrative art, music, naturalistic and historical-artistic heritage.
The topics addressed by the artists will always be related to nature, respect for the environment and life in society.
The performances are intended to be presented in non-traditional theater venues using the now well-known Mototheatre instrument, a fully equipped and self-contained mini-stage.