Consultations for acute respiratory tract infections increase

The epidemiological report of the Navarra Institute of Public and Occupational Health notes that the number of appointments for this symptom, mainly caused by the virus, is “high and stable”

The epidemiological report published by the Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarra (ISPLN) for the week of November 13 to 19 states that the number of visits for acute respiratory infections in primary care is at a “high and stable” level.

There are 642 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, of which only 22 per 100,000 are influenza syndrome and 33 per 100,000 are covid-19.

In addition, there are cases of hospitalization due to COVID-19. Nine cases of influenza have been confirmed this week, three of which required hospitalization. On the other hand, the spread of respiratory syncytial virus is increasing at a low level, with 16 confirmed cases and 10 hospitalizations.

Experts have detected high circulation of rhinovirus in patients with acute respiratory infections. This pathogen is most common in humans and is the causative agent of the classic cold. Less commonly, they also found other viruses, such as adenovirus and parainfluenza.

Like this pathogen, adenovirus can cause respiratory infections such as pneumonia. Additionally, it can cause conjunctivitis, hemorrhagic cystitis, and gastroenteritis.

As for the flu vaccine, more than 120,000 doses have been administered. The number of COVID-19 infections exceeds 90,000 because it covers a smaller population group.

To avoid severe respiratory viral illness in susceptible people and those around them, the ISPLN recommends taking preventive measures such as vaccination against coronavirus and influenza, maintaining physical distance, using masks and adequate ventilation.

importance of breastfeeding

Another way to prevent respiratory syncytial virus is to breastfeed, according to public health authorities. The organization also clarified that minors or adults with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should not go to daycare centers or children’s schools.

Multiple cases of acute gastroenteritis

Regarding symptoms that may be caused by the virus, the most common is acute gastroenteritis. In fact, the number of cases is high, with 425 cases identified in primary care last week.

Recommendations for preventing and controlling gastroenteritis include practicing good hand hygiene regularly and always after using the toilet and before eating or handling food.

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