Corigliano-Rossano. The “Maria Gaetana Geraci” competition was a success with 150 participating students

Corigliano-Rossano. The “Maria Gaetana Geraci” competition was a success with 150 participating students

The “Maria Gaetana Geraci” contest, now in its XXXV edition, has again been a real success this year for the Kiwanis Club of Corigliano. Thanks for the immense commitment and dedication with which the President Dr. Giovanni Mastrangelo and the most active members such as Angela Tosca, Hilde Morrone, Adele Servidio, Giuseppe De Rossi, Adriano Mazzotti, Daniele Garofalo, Secretary Giuseppe Sterniolo, Lieutenant Carlo Pasqua, and Master of Ceremonies Francesco Reale, who has contributed and continues to do so for the club in general and for this wonderful competition, in which many first and second grade secondary school students from the Alto Jonio region were seen as protagonists.

The chairman of the commission examining 150 topics developed by the students, as well as the organizer of the competition, Prof. Special thanks to Adele Servidio, with a lot of commitment, dedication and many hours of work with attention to the smallest detail.

President Dr. Mastrangelo was very keen that everything went for the best, being a very long standing coordinator, which lasted over time for 35 years, it was given all the importance it deserved. They are awarded for middle school: 1st prize Camilla Mazei, 2nd prize Alyssa Stassi.

First prize Alessia La Pietra for high schools, second prize Giuseppina Maria Pia Orlando.

Special thanks to Dr. Edoardo De Simone, Headmaster of the Liceo Classico “G.Colosimo” and to the Headmasters of all the schools that have been involved in this wonderful initiative.

Happy Kiwanis everyone.

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