Coronavirus, flu, cold or pneumonia?Here’s how you can tell them apart

Cough, cold, headache?With this little guide, you can identify what ails you

As winter approaches, so does the risk of contracting respiratory illnesses. The most affected during these days are children under 5 years old and the elderly, especially if they have chronic conditions that require more care.

Therefore, it is important to wear appropriate clothing (such as hats, gloves, scarves, jackets, and socks) if hypothermia occurs. Likewise, avoid sudden changes in temperature and airflow.In this cold season, people They are often more susceptible to certain respiratory viruses, Understanding the types of respiratory illnesses and their symptoms is important to prevent them.

If you don’t know how to identify them, Here we leave you with the differences According to the Mexican government website.

Got a cold

Symptoms of this disease that typically affect most people are a stuffy or runny nose, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, and in some cases, fever and sore throat. This lasts approximately three to five days.


Its virus spreads rapidly from person to person through saliva. It’s similar to a cold, but more intense.your symptoms including fever, headache, chills, dry cough, sneezing, sore throat, fatigue and general malaise. If the condition worsens, it can damage the lungs and bronchi until death.

Coronavirus disease

The illness is similar to the flu, but a different symptom is loss of smell or taste.
pharyngitis.As its name says, it is a Inflammation of the pharynx or throat, caused by the flu or cold. Symptoms are severe pain in the area, fever, headache and muscle aches.


In this disease, the lungs often become inflamed. Symptoms include fever, chills, cough with phlegm, chest pain when sneezing or coughing, Lack of appetite and difficulty breathing.


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