Coronavirus, flu or cold?What are the symptoms and how to recognize them

s arrival Winter has always been accompanied by respiratory viruses It’s increasing every day.Temperature changes, especially the absolute relaxation of post-epidemic prevention and vaccination measures, have led to Respiratory disease rebounds. With this panoramic view, questions have once again arisen about how to distinguish the symptoms of coronavirus, flu or cold. Knowing how to recognize symptoms is key to treating the disease and taking the necessary steps to overcome it.this New variant of covid-19 — BA.2.86 — named Pirola, the one health authorities are most worried about.In this variant most common symptoms Since the pandemic began: Persistent fever, dry cough, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, bone pain, or difficulty breathing.

Is it COVID-19 or a cold?

Increase in respiratory illnesses Causing people to confuse coronavirus, flu or cold. To know how to distinguish which illnesses we may have, it is important to consider that the most common symptoms of the common flu are high fever, muscle pain, nasal congestion, sore throat and cough. However, some of these symptoms are also seen in COVID-19, and at the same time, Flu usually comes on suddenly And is stronger in the body.

Colds usually start with a stuffy nose, sneezing, a mild cough, mild general malaise, and sometimes a sore throat. With the flu and coronavirus, on the other hand, cold symptoms are milder and short-lived. Given this very similar combination of symptoms, Health experts recommend testing Distinguish between disease types and follow appropriate health guidelines, such as preventive isolation, reducing social contact, and preventive use of masks.this Pharmacies offer tests that measure three types of The fact that there are viruses (COVID-19, influenza A, and influenza B) makes it easier to detect illnesses.

Health advice to use masks

In view of the resurgence of respiratory diseases such as influenza and covid-19, which increased by 37.17% last week, the Ministry of Health issued recommendations Prevent infection by practicing hand hygiene, covering your nose or mouth when coughing or sneezing, and using Wear a mask if you have symptoms associated with a respiratory infection.

Recommendations also include using Disposable tissues used to contain respiratory droplets or secretions; After using tissues, throw them into the nearest garbage bag; and wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use alcohol gel after contact with respiratory secretions.Finally, it is recommended to follow Respiratory microbial vaccination guidelines And if possible, avoid going to work with symptoms of illness.

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