Cough: Always a worrisome symptom

Coughing is a common symptom that worries families, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most common reasons for pediatric consultations. Coughing is a protective reflex, a defense mechanism of the respiratory system characterized by the forced expulsion of air, producing a characteristic sound.

It helps us prevent unwanted substances (smoke, particles, dust) from entering the airways and promotes the discharge of mucus secretions produced in the bronchi.

So the first concept that pediatricians want parents to know and understand is that coughing is “a natural defense mechanism” in response to a cause that is not always clear and obvious, and the most important thing is to find out when it’s happening s reason. .

That said, it’s normal and understandable for children to be worried about a severe, persistent cough that’s accompanied by difficulty getting air in and out of their lungs, that interferes with their rest, or interferes with their activities. parents and encourage them to seek medical advice.

When should I worry about a cough?

First, it is important to differentiate between the types of coughs we may encounter based on their duration. An acute cough is a cough that lasts less than 4 weeks, while a chronic cough is a cough that lasts for more than a month. If a cough persists “throughout the winter”, but upon correct analysis, it actually lasts for 2-3 weeks, improves slightly, and then returns again, we call this an acute recurrent cough.

We can distinguish two other types of coughs based on their characteristics: dry cough: this is a cough with no discharge of secretions; wet cough: this is a cough with discharge of mucus (in young children, it is sometimes not easy to determine, since there may be Dry cough with copious amounts of nasal mucus).

Depending on when the cough occurs, we can distinguish between daytime coughs and nocturnal coughs (which last throughout the day and do not dominate the time), mainly nocturnal coughs, coughs that occur only during the day or just after going out. sleep. This is triggered by exercise when you wake up in the morning.

The importance of paying attention to the sound characteristics of a cough

It is most important for families to pay attention to how long the cough lasts, what the symptoms are, and when it occurs, because focusing on these characteristics will help us better diagnose the cause of the cough. The causes of acute or chronic cough in children are wide-ranging. The most common reasons are:

• Upper respiratory tract viral infection (common cold).

• Bronchitis.

• Bronchiolitis.

• Tracheitis or tracheobronchitis.

• Asthma.

• Cough caused by inhalation of tobacco smoke or environmental pollution.

• Somatic cough (formerly called psychogenic cough or neurotic cough).

How to solve a cough?

The treatment of cough is controversial, especially in infancy and the first years of life, when these symptoms secondary to respiratory infection are very common. It is important to know that so-called antitussive drugs are contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, and many of them, which were previously freely available on the market, are now restricted to older children due to their potential side effects.

This European health regulation was implemented to prevent the use in pharmacies of over-the-counter “cough syrups” containing antihistamines or other potentially dangerous substances. To avoid mistakes, the best advice is to read the leaflet that comes with the medicine, which clearly states the ages for which the medicine is suitable.

In many cases, mucolytics are used medically to relieve cough symptoms, which are designed to make mucus more fluid and facilitate its expulsion, but do not act on the cough reflex needed to clear the airways. Parental care should be aimed at promoting comfort and providing medication when needed.

For patients who have a cough due to asthma or bronchitis, it is very important to follow the instructions for dosing the medicine correctly, especially if inhaled medicines require the use of a so-called inhalation chamber.

In the most common cases of cough caused by colds and catarrh, parents can suck out nasal mucus to facilitate air entry, elevate the head of the bed, stay well hydrated, and take prescription medications if needed.

Balm patches are only for use by children over 2 years of age. Some natural products containing honey and other substances are labeled for use from 12 months, while other so-called “natural” products designed to relieve coughs and are not considered medicines often do not label a minimum age for taking them.

In any case, it must be remembered that most acute cough symptoms are not the result of a serious process and they resolve naturally within a few days. If the patient’s age permits, antitussive treatment may sometimes be needed.


Dr. Diego L. Van Esso Arbolave ​​is a renowned pediatrician in Barcelona

Spanish TOPDOCTORS member

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