Council member of Monza spares no criticism of Vannacci: “Idiot”

“Vannacci is imperfect in the Latin sense of the word,” explains board member Marco Lamperti, who defines him as “not possessing” the basic concepts on issues to formulate opinions on them.

Disputes about the general do not subside Roberto Vannacci. While at the national level the political world is giving its opinion on the now famous book of the Army General “The World Upside Down”, written, self-published and released on August 10, 2023, at the local level also the 55-year-old, originally from La Spezia and a few more days ago, who headed the Military Geographic Institute of Florence, continues to provoke discussions.

Council member of Monza spares no criticism of Vannacci: this is how he defines him

Speaking about him and the controversial statements contained in his book on topics such as homosexuality and the LGBT community, the environment, Italians, migrants and self-defense, is an adviser to the territorial government, private construction and public works of Monza, Marco Lamperti.

Facebook post

In a lengthy post on his public Facebook profile, the adviser spares no criticism of the general’s book:

Vannacci is an idiot,” snaps Lamperti, who, in a reply to a user under his post, says that he has read several chapters of the book. Not so much because its ideological positions are retrograde, reactionary and discriminatory.

Vannacci is imperfect in the Latin sense of the word: he puts into play scientifically incorrect, irrational and absolutely rejected by the scientific world considerations. Deficiency precisely in the sense of the “absence” of basic ideas about subjects for formulating opinions on them.

Attention. We don’t want to censor anyone here. However, the field of opinion and the field of facts are two different places: putting forward a scientifically false thesis as a legitimate thought without any supporting evidence is functional illiteracy, and public blaming is the best medicine for a subject stricken with this terrible disease to avoid epidemics of stupidity. So let’s talk, but let the civil society antibodies run their course.

Lamperti’s sharp attack on the Ligurian general, who in recent days has already found himself at the center of the national media storm.

The post of the adviser from Monza has obviously caused a lot of controversy at the local level as well, and various social media users have commented on the adviser’s reflections with more or less veiled criticism of the general’s “ideas”, which we have already told you about in detail. It was said yesterday after Forza Nuova nominated Vannacci for a by-election scheduled in Monza next October.

The proposal was immediately rejected by the person concerned. “I want to continue being a soldier,” the general clarified in the last few hours.

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