COVID-19 and flu cases rebound

In light of the resurgence in Covid cases, the Ministry of Health recommends covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, wearing a mask and avoiding the workplace if you have respiratory symptoms during the holidays. 19. Influenza and other respiratory infections such as bronchiolitis.

  • This is confirmed by the latest bulletin from the Surveillance System for Acute Respiratory Infections (Sivira) for the week of December 11 to 17, which shows an increase in medical cases due to respiratory illnesses in recent weeks.
  • Increases in primary care for influenza or COVID-19 occurred across all ages, while hospitalizations primarily affected those 80 and older, the report said.

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This is a ‘normal’ virus season

Speaking to EFE, Óscar Zurriaga, president of the Spanish Epidemiological Society (SEE), said that despite the increase in Covid-19 and influenza cases, this season’s record “is not much different from previous years” difference”.

  • To that end, he noted that “we’re certainly not above where we were in previous seasons before the pandemic” and that “this is a relatively normal season.”
  • He also clarified that the extent of the epidemiological curve could be verified after the celebrations of the Three Wise Men, since these weeks of summer can lead to delays and “under-reporting” of cases in the surveillance system.

Health advice in the face of rising flu and COVID-19 cases

In view of the increasing cases of Covid-19 and influenza, the Ministry of Health reminds you to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  2. wear organize Contains respiratory droplets or secretions.
  3. After using paper towels, Put them in a garbage bag closest.
  4. Maintain hand hygiene(wash with soap and water or clean with alcohol gel), regularly and after contact with respiratory secretions.
  5. wear mask When you have respiratory symptoms.
  6. follow Vaccination recommendations Targets respiratory microorganisms.
  7. If possible, avoid going to work Exhibiting symptoms of illnesses such as Covid-19 and influenza.


ministry of health

Acute Respiratory Infection Surveillance System (Sivira)


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