Covid-19 and flu increase on New Year’s Eve: Symptoms

A woman gets tested to find out if she has Covid-19 or the fluGetty (archive)

they increase this respiratory tract infection by the end of the year and sell tests to detect whether Coronavirus disease anyone Influenza A or B. The arrival of cold and social contact in these places Christmas date It’s conducive to the spread of these viruses that it would be strange if you don’t hear anyone coughing around you. So much so that some communities are claiming health centers are overcrowded, and the Ministry of Health is once again reminding us of the steps we can take to avoid infection.

Respiratory viruses triggered: How to tell if we have the flu or coronavirus?

Test sales doubled

However, when prevention isn’t enough to avoid infection, and there’s also the last meal of the year – getting together with family on New Year’s Eve, we wonder What virus do we have? No one wants to infect the people they love most, especially the elderly and other high-risk groups. Therefore, during the Christmas period (December 18-25) Antigen test sales triple All community pharmacies have sales compared to the first week of December.

Increased incidence of acute respiratory diseases

in numbers, acute respiratory disease incidence Spanish primary care increased Compared to the previous week, this was an increase of 12.7%.Currently it is located in 908.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitantsThis compares with 806 cases per 100,000 residents a week ago.

Respiratory viral infections such as influenza or COVID-19 are on the rise

Last week, the influenza positivity rate rose to 25%; the covid-19 infection rate has risen to 13.6%; according to the latest report compiled by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Health based on data from December 18 to 24 , the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection rate remained stable at 14.2%.It should also be noted that 98.5% of identified influenza viruses belong to arrive The main variants of covid-19 in recent weeks are BA.2.86 (74.29%).

The Christmas celebrations coincide with the peak of the rebound of the new crown epidemic: the number of “Pirola” infections accounts for more than 40% of the number of infections

Concerning these figures, infectious disease expert Álvaro Mena stressed to Informativos Telecinco: “It is foreseeable that they will continue to increase (Flu cases) this week, probably the first week of January.

covid-19 and flu symptoms

Because the incidence of influenza is higher than that of covid-19, the former is statistically more likely.However, it is complicated distinguish What this means, even for doctors, is that the clinical situations are very similar.These two viruses can give Fever, cough, difficulty breathing, tiredness, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, or nasal congestion, Among other things.So for your Detection it is necessary to resort to testaffecting sales.

What advice does the Ministry of Health have?

While testing can help with treatment, the first step must be prevention, and in both cases, “both conditions can be avoided through vaccination and it’s not too late to take preventive measures.” vaccination“Federico Martinón, director of pediatrics at the Santiago hospital, told Telecinco News.

Flu and COVID-19: Health advice for facing a resurgence of cases

The Ministry of Health recalls the importance of: health of hand, cover up this nose anyone Mouth When coughing or sneezing and use Face mask If you have symptoms consistent with a respiratory infection. Additionally, recommendations include using disposable tissues to contain respiratory droplets or secretions; disposing of tissues in the nearest trash bag after using them; and regularly washing hands with soap and water or cleaning with alcohol gel after contact with respiratory secretions hands.Finally, they suggested avoidthe further away the better, go arrive Work Have symptoms of disease.

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