Covid-19, cold, flu or bronchitis?Symptoms of every respiratory illness

Wash your hands often, Use of facial mask or vaccination are some of the recommendations from the health department for this situation Increased cases of respiratory illnesseswith an incidence rate of 739.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Coughing, sneezing, discomfort, difficulty breathing… symptoms of Sars-CoV-2, Flu, cold, or bronchitis They are very similar. If symptoms persist, it is recommended to see a doctor for a more detailed examination and to determine the pathology for treatment.

According to the latest report from the Carlos III Health Institute, the positivity rate for coronavirus rose to 14.3%, that for influenza to 20%, that for respiratory syncytial virus remained unchanged (15.2%, while for influenza virus The rate is 15. 8%). The previous week).

However, several experts assure This backlash is “the norm” at this time. In view of the expected flu peak in January, the Huelva College of Physicians recommends that children, especially those under five years old, be vaccinated.

This time of year, as temperatures drop and families and friends gather indoors, it becomes easier to catch and spread the virus.

flu symptoms

Seasonal influenza is a highly contagious disease that causes acute respiratory infections. It occurs in popular waves, often coinciding with winter. Flu spreads through tiny droplets and particles that are expelled when you cough or sneeze.

Most people with the flu recover within one to two weeks without requiring treatment. However, in young children and the elderly, infection can cause serious complications.

  • fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • sore throat
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • sneeze
  • Eye irritation

One of the complications of influenza is bronchitis or pneumonia.

Bronchitis symptoms

Bronchitis is inflammation of the airways in the lungs and the production of mucus in the lungs. Symptoms last less than 3 weeks and may include:

  • Cough with or without mucus
  • chest pain
  • Tiredness (fatigue)
  • mild headache
  • mild body aches
  • sore throat

cold symptoms

Common cold symptoms appear 1 to 3 days after exposure to a cold virus:

  • Congestion or runny nose.
  • Sore or irritated throat.
  • cough.
  • sneeze.
  • General discomfort.
  • Mild body aches or headaches.
  • Mild fever.

COVID-19 symptoms

Coronavirus symptoms vary and may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Here are some possible symptoms:

  • fever or chills
  • cough
  • Difficulty breathing (feeling short of breath)
  • fatigue
  • muscle and body pain
  • Headache
  • Recent loss of smell or taste
  • sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhea

How to differentiate between flu, covid-19 and the common cold?

Here are some symptoms of respiratory illness:

influenza: Always above 38°C. Duration is 3 to 4 days.

Got a cold: Generally no fever, or slightly elevated.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: Yes, and very strong.

Got a cold: rare.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: It’s always like this, and they’re powerful.

Got a cold: Moderate.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: Common and potentially important.

Got a cold: Mild to moderate.

Coronavirus disease: usually. dry cough.

influenza: No.

Got a cold: Yes, very rich.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: rare.

Got a cold: often.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: rare.

Got a cold: Dry and painful.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: rare.

Got a cold: often.

influenza: Common, early stage of onset.

Got a cold: no way.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: Common, usually lasting up to 3 weeks.

Got a cold: Sometimes.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

influenza: usually.

Got a cold: Moderate.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

  • Loss of taste or smell

influenza: rare.

Got a cold: rare.

Coronavirus disease: usually.

Tips to avoid infection

In view of the increase in respiratory illnesses such as influenza and Covid-19, the Ministry of Health recommends maintaining hygiene measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

These recommendations include measures such as hand hygiene, covering your nose or mouth when coughing or sneezing, and wearing a mask if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection. Wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based gel regularly and after contact with respiratory secretions.

return They recommend vaccination Especially vulnerable groups.

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