COVID-19 story

Author: Bessel Garcia Vargas

A few months ago, I remember that the heat could be felt everywhere in the Mexican territory, especially in the capital Hidalgo, where the heat and gunfire were so great that because of the nature of our geographical area we were not used to such a hot climate, air conditioners and fans were there to keep us cool. ’s best option, but last week was especially cold and fresh for everyone.
From the dawn at 11℃ to walking out of the house and seeing the city shrouded in thick fog, this is the scenery and climate that autumn has given us. Although it feels very hot for several days in a row, it seems that we have finally returned to the usual cold and jackets. .

The fact is, talking to a lot of people, they’re happier now because they’re feeling colder and the air is cooler at night, which means we’re probably going to be affected a little bit by climate change and have the flu that’s bothering us for a few days, but I’m almost certain that many of us prefer this at this time of year rather than feeling the heat of May; we get to leave these on the beach and be able to enjoy them in another way.

Speaking of colds and flu, flu vaccinations and COVID-19 vaccinations begin this week, and remember, it’s during the fall and winter that flu and respiratory illnesses are much more contagious than any other time of the year. .anus.

It is because of the same situation that this week I got vaccinated against both diseases, to avoid these two viruses from getting worse, but also to remember so that we can prevent the spread of the virus, which by the way, we The spread of these viruses has long been aside from masks, but if we get the flu, even a common cold. You have to keep using it; that’s why we feel so bad, even though not everyone reacts the same way to a virus that infects others, even more so on public transport where people of all ages gather, from children to older people, and we’re all working. different places.

I hope that as the cold sets in, it’s also the beginning of reflection before we start family gatherings, because as you can see in the shops, people are already thinking about Christmas and New Year’s Eve, so let’s wait for Christmas to come first . As the commemorations of the Mexican Revolution draw to a close and then be able to give way to the beginning of the Posadas, it seems that we still have a lot to celebrate, but we continue to be ahead of our time.
For now, all that’s left is to get out your jackets, scarves, gloves and hats in case the cold weather returns next week with foggy days and even light rain in some areas, take care of yourself and get vaccinated, I’m telling you, both None of the vaccines hurt me. Until next time.

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