Cursed loves, Cursed loves. The women of music and their broken dreams

2′ of reading
03/30/2023 РDalida, Edith Piaf, Joan Baez, Mia Martini, Loredana Bert̬, Giuni Russo, Tina Turner, Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga. Extraordinary interpreters who have marked the music of the twentieth century and the contemporary one whose lives have been conditioned, sometimes broken, by difficult loves, by troubled stories.

Cursed loves, Cursed loves. Stories of women of music and their broken dreams is the title of the double show scheduled Friday 31 March and Saturday 1 April 2023 (21.30) at the Cinema Teatro Astra in via Rossini 82 in Pesaro, organized by the Association The Amphora with the sponsorship of Municipality of Pesaro, Department of Beauty And District Centersponsors Biemmegi mechanics.

Two evenings between unforgettable words and songs that will offer a cast of top-level artists that it was not easy to bring together for this project (concept and texts by the journalist and author Claudius Salvi). It is a journey through imaginary tales of protagonists of music who have experienced great loves but who often fell victim to love; a story of broken dreams, of mad passions but also of furious struggles.

In the theater-song formula, the project sees on stage a quartet of formidable musicians made up of: Clarissa Vichi (lead vocal); Sara Jane Ghiotti (lead vocal); Charles Simonari (keyboards, accordion, bouzouki and vocals) e Simon Nobili (acoustic and electric guitars).

Cursed loves, Cursed loves is the story of loneliness and fragility through a fascinating journey also made of words that will see the reciting voices of Joseph Esposto and actresses Julia Bellucci And Frances DiModugno.

In the midst of songs that have made the history of music, re-arranged for the occasion by Carlo Simonari and Simone Nobili themselves for the interpretation of Clarissa Vichi and Sarah Jane Ghiotti, the stories of nine unforgettable interpreters: Dalida; Edith Piaf; Joan Baez; My Martini; Loredana Berte; Giuni Russo; Tina Turner, Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse.

These are real personal portraits which the author was inspired by on the basis of their artistic and personal stories. Extraordinary and particular voices in their own way; voices of women who have marked history and who have left indelible traces in the music of the twentieth century, as well as in contemporary music. Voices of successful artists accompanied however by life stories and difficult, troubled, turbulent loves with often tragic endings. In many cases it was a matter of stories made up of loneliness, dreams and broken projects. But also of victories and sudden defeats. In some cases of violence and abuse but also of proud ransoms.

Tickets 15 euros: pre-sale Campus Library via Rossini 33 (0721-31438)

Info and reservations: 338 2988419 or 339-3707313

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