Customers appeared who left their mark on history. The communication method they used was surprising

According to information contained in Aktüel History magazineThe first spies in history were commissioned by the Pharaohs. They sent spies among their slaves to detect those who were not diligent. When it became clear that espionage was useful internally, the pharaohs infiltrated their enemies and left countless intelligence stories on papyrus.

The Mahdi’s spy in Andalusia

One day, Jafar found himself a spy for the Caliph. He went to Cordoba. He showed the Muslims that he was even aware of the birds that fly in Andalusia.

Greek intelligence sent the Trojan horse

The Trojan Horse Incident, which was the most striking moment in the Greek Trojan Wars, proved to people throughout history that victory can only be achieved by strength of arm, and that unconventional warfare is always the basic issue of war.

Ajcela Gun, the Hungarian spy captured by Mihaloglu

michael szilagy,

While spying on Ottoman lands, he was captured by the attacker Mihaloğlu Ali Bey and paid the price by having his head separated from his body.


The first deep state organization in history

Emperor Domitian created the first deep state in history. The organization’s primary mission was to carry out assassinations without dirtying the emperor’s hands. Those who feared the Frumentarii formed a counter-espionage organization to protect themselves.

hero? traitor? Not both because he’s a spy…

Benedict Arnold was an officer who served during the American Wars of Independence. George Washington promoted him to the rank of major general and trusted him deeply, but he became one of the greatest “traitors” in American history. One day, he made an agreement to hand over the castle in New York to British forces. It later turned out that he had been working for the British for years. He was a British hero, an American traitor.

The secret agent who inspired James Bond

Sidney Reilly infiltrated the Bolsheviks. He made a pact with England and worked in Russian arms factories disguised as a welder, and sold maps of Russian cities to the British while posing as a fireman. He was eventually exposed and killed before his interrogation was finished.


Turkish spy infiltrated the FBI “Agamis Bond”

While Huseyin Yildirim was repairing a car in Berlin, he suddenly became involved with the FBI as a German agent. He caused America to lose $2.5 billion, but when he was arrested in 1989, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison.


The Soviets have fallen, and the KGB has not been forgotten

Oleg Gordievsky helped the British even though he was a Soviet agent in London. When he was exposed, he swore an oath to the Queen and began living in England. However, the KGB, not forgetting betrayal, tried to kill him in 2008, despite the collapse of the Soviets.


Communication methods

One way to communicate is claw tubes and emails. Passwords written on bird tails are keys.

Another way is the Sultan’s pigeons and the photographer’s birds.

(Tags for translation) Agent

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