Death will play a smaller role in 2022

This November 2, people across Mexico and beyond will mark the Day of the Dead with a series of celebrations, anecdotes and traditions involving loved ones or famous people who have passed away.

This date is also an opportunity to review the trends in mortality in the country and this entity, its main causes and the mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants.

In this last aspect, the number of deaths in Chihuahua state fell by 9.1% in 2022 compared to the previous year, according to the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information (Inegi).

In 2021, the state’s death toll was 31,716, rising to 28,824 in 2022, which represents a year-on-year decrease of 2,892.

One of the factors affecting the reduction in deaths is the withdrawal of Covid-19, which claimed 3,996 lives in 2019, making it the second leading cause of death in 2021, but in 2022 it is no longer a cause of death among the reasons. The most common disease causing death.

Another reason for the decline in the indicator was the number of “assaults” or homicides, which fell by 582 cases. However, the death toll was 2,157, making it the fifth leading cause of death in the state in 2022.

death in chihuahua

The five leading causes of death were heart disease, 6,579; malignant tumors, 2,978; diabetes, 2,880; assaults (homicide), 2,157, and accidents, 1,741.

Regarding deaths by sex, the Statistics of Registered Deaths (the name of the Inegi document) reinforces the statistic that women live longer than men.

In 2022, the total number of deaths included 16,990 male deaths and 11,806 female deaths, with 5,184 more male deaths than that year.

What do men die from?

Among the main causes of sexual intercourse, the leading cause of death among men was heart disease with 3,764 cases, followed by assault (homicide) with 1,631 cases, ranking second, even surpassing diabetes (1,472 deaths) and malignant tumors with 1,631 cases. 1,424, accidents, 1,280.

For women, heart disease was the leading cause of death with 2,810 cases, followed by malignancy with 1,552 cases; Diabetes was third with 1,408 deaths; Covid-19 claimed the lives of 693 women; influenza and pneumonia It claimed 551 lives.

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