Decline in influenza incidence leads to fewer emergencies in Aragon

Decline in influenza incidence leads to fewer emergencies in Aragon

This is the first week since the Aragon flu epidemic that the incidence rate has dropped, so it can be inferred that the peak has been reached and the curve has begun to decline. Aragon’s epidemiological bulletin on Thursday confirmed the data published by the Ministry of Health last Monday. In the third week of this year, the global incidence rate fell by more than a hundred points, from 334 cases per 100,000 inhabitants the previous week to 231.


If this downward trend is confirmed and continues for at least a week, Aragón could withdraw the obligation to wear masks in hospitals, health centers and social and medical institutions, as proposed by Regional Administration Health Minister José Luis Bancalero. For professionals, they will be able to clear it when the incidence rate does not reach 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a figure that can be achieved in 7 or 15 days.

The evolution of influenza.

Emergency services in public hospitals have declined at almost the same rate. From January 15 to 21, a total of 626 people were received (accounting for 5.4% of the total number of people served), which was far lower than the 834 people (7.1%) a week ago, and also far lower than the number of people received a week ago. . 15 days, 1,130 people (10%). Severity has also declined, with 148 admissions reported in the epidemiological bulletin (23.6% of emergencies), a decrease of just over 4 percentage points from the previous week.

The incidence rate of acute respiratory infection is 1,071 cases per 100,000 residents; the severe infection rate is 20.5, with the highest incidence rate among people over 79 years old (nearly 120 cases), followed by people aged 0 to 4 years old (59 cases).

on the other hand, The report also informed that an outbreak of influenza A occurred in a residence in the province of Huesca, with 6 out of 92 residents confirmed (5 of whom were laboratory confirmed); Another case of respiratory syncytial virus infection also occurred in a residential center in the province of Huesca, with 4 cases among 39 residents, two of whom had to be hospitalized. In both cases, sanitary measures were implemented to control the outbreak and prevent contagion among other residents.

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