Dengue fever in Peru: What are the best measures to prevent dengue fever and how to distinguish it from influenza? | atmp | entep | health

According to the latest report from Minsa, eight people have died from dengue fever. Photo: compositionLR/Andina

Dengue cases increased by 40% in 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. In addition, eight people have died in Peru. Although the numbers in the region are as high as in Brazil, protective measures must still be taken. that’s why, Sonia Delgado Cespedes, Dean of the Peruvian Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacyprovides the best advice on how to avoid the disease and, if you are bitten, learn how to detect it early.

What should be remembered is dengue It is a viral infection that can be spread by four similar viruses. It is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito.

What steps can I take to prevent dengue fever?

Dr. Delgado emphasized, It’s important to take precautions About dengue fever Eliminate reservoirs.One of the most common is pet water bowl, must be cleaned every day. On the other hand, despite the heat wave that hit parts of Peru, It is recommended to wear long-sleeved clothesthis is to cover possible locations where mosquitoes may bite you.

On the other hand, it is important Use repellent.The dean of the School of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering pointed out that these have one main purpose Because they form a barrier to prevent mosquitoes from entering. It is important for this Use continuously to avoid stinging, approximately every 2 or 3 hours. He points out that the most effective are substances of natural origin, such as those made from eucalyptus or mole, which are found in different regions of Peru. Sonia Delgado says these can be prepared at home and are not complicated.

“You can add alcohol and add it to these crushed plants, shake them in a sealed jar every day for 15 days, and then you can get a spray that’s similar to an insect repellent,” Delgado said the doctor.

How is dengue fever detected and what to do if you become infected?

According to Sonia Delgado, the disease can be confused with the flu at first.However, when one begins Feeling sick or having muscle pain, these symptoms are different from those of the flu and should sound alarm. Therefore, you should go to the nearest hospital to avoid complications.

In addition, the dean of the School of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering emphasized that, Avoid self-medication for any reason. This is because people may have different comorbidities, and depending on the comorbidities, the drug may react differently in the body, and doing so may be harmful to the person. It can both invalidate the effects of appropriate medications and worsen the condition.

In extreme cases, you can consult your pharmacy’s medicinal chemist and stay properly hydrated. However, please give priority to seeing a doctor at a health center.

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