Denia Ministry of Health recommends children receive influenza vaccine

Pediatricians and preventive specialists from the Denia Health Department (DSD), in collaboration with the Ribera Health Group, recommend influenza vaccination for children as an effective measure to reduce medical consultations related to this disease in adults. According to experts, it can reduce medical consultations by 40% to 60% due to the activation of the immune system that recognizes the virus strain.

Dr. Josep Mut, Director of Pediatrics at DSD, emphasized the importance of vaccinating children as “they are the main vectors of influenza transmission to adults and high-risk groups, as the vaccine protects both the vaccinated child and the child.” with him People who live together include family members, playmates and classmates.

The DSD said it will promote vaccination in accordance with the schedule set by the respective ministries of health. This year, two types of preparations are available: an inactivated vaccine, for intramuscular injection in children under two years of age, and an attenuated vaccine, for intranasal injection in children above that age. For newborns, it can be given at discharge.

Regarding side effects in pediatric patients, Mut noted, “They are generally well tolerated and side effects are mild and temporary, such as pain and redness at the application site, low-grade fever, and malaise, which do not affect most patients.” According to him, “Local reactions occur in approximately 5-20% of cases, and fever occurs in 5.5-14% of patients under two years of age. “

In addition to vaccination, health professionals stress the importance of practicing hygiene habits that reduce the spread of influenza viruses, such as washing hands frequently, covering your mouth when you sneeze, discarding disposable tissues after use, and avoiding close contact with sick or healthy people If you are sick.

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