Desperate Cuban mother seeks help for her young son

CubitaNOW Writing ~ Friday, August 25, 2023

Cuban mother Zuri Quesada turned to social networks to seek help in getting the medicine her child needs in Cuba.

As he explained, the drug had been purchased by someone in Houston, however, the family needed help getting it to Cuba.

“Please friends, family and anyone who can help. I need to put me in touch with someone from Houston, Texas who can bring me the meds Gaelic needs,” the Cuban wrote.

“They’re going to buy me medicine, just bring it. Please share and see if anyone is willing to help me,” he added.

In the same way, he explained that he felt it was necessary to release photos of the situation in which the young child was found so that people would know about the emergency.

“I don’t want to post pictures of the state of the child, but I do so so you can see what he’s going through. For any information please call 51890907,” he concluded.

In the comments section, several people were interested in helping, and a few others shared tips for improving your child’s health.

“Boil the guava leaves, cool the water well, and after giving him a bath, apply the water all over his body and keep it dry, at least until the medicine arrives. Speedy recovery for that little angel,” wrote one Internet user.

“Hi… pardon my opinion, but whether or not your child needs allergy medication to control itching (itching) and counteract one of the causes of the allergy, I think something else should be done (bath) with boiling water, with some The ointment improves the inflammation and antibiotics (cephalexin or sulfaphrine) are the cause of it, the lesions are infected and have cellulite. I hope they subside soon. As soon as the medication arrives, it subsides with some others Allergy meds (ketotifen, meclizine, dexchlorferricamine, cyproheptadine, diphenhydramine) and your neighbors or relatives can help. God bless you and heal you,” suggested others .

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