Diagnostic Radiology Requirements Report

There are a large number of diagnostic radiologists approaching retirement age

August 28, 2023 at 12:09 pm

The Andalusian Medical Union – Granada (SMA) has published a report on the retirement of diagnostic radiologists and MIR residents in the National Health System (SNS) and CC. AA. This warns of an imbalance in the number of doctors. According to the report,…

The Andalusian Medical Union – Granada (SMA) has published a report on the retirement of diagnostic radiologists and MIR residents in the National Health System (SNS) and CC. AA. This warns of an imbalance in the number of doctors. According to this report, as of June 2021, the total number of diagnostic radiologists in SNS is 4,101, of which 58% (2,379) are under the age of 50, and the remaining 1,722 (42%) are over 50, of which 648 are (15.8 people) %) were over 60 years old, and 1,073 people (26.2%) were in the 50 to 59 age group, in short, there are a large number of diagnostic radiologists close to retirement age, which may give social networks. A total of 648 diagnostic radiologists aged 60 and over, plus those who may be working in private, to replace this number of diagnostic radiologists, a maximum of 1,456 new specialists could complete their training over the six-year period, although Not all are complete, in fact, between 2017 and 2021, 96.6% of physicians completed their training, so it is estimated that the total number of physicians who will complete training in these six years will reach 1,406.

Adjusted calculation

At the end of this six-year period, this number of new specialists would be sufficient to replenish possible retirees in the SNS, leaving about 800 specialists remaining in the private sector and filling positions that may now be vacant or occupied by specialists without the need for Personnel recognition and extension. There is a need for more accurate calculations that take into account possible unmet demand for labor needs and address waiting lists as a surplus reflecting the likely retirement and new specialist data that completes the MIR does not agree with the ministry’s report confirming that 2028 will There was a small deficit. During these 16 years (2021 to 2036), 1,722 radiodiagnostic medical specialists will reach the SNS retirement age and can complete the MIR, with a maximum of 4,326 new specialists, far more than the number of SNS likely to retire. If the annual rate of SNS retirements of 109 people by 2037 continues, it must be taken into account that people between the ages of 39 and 49 will reach retirement age in that year, by 2037 or later, and by 2021, the report said. There are only 1,095 medical specialists in the field, which includes 10 different age groups, and more than 7,000 or close to 8,000 new doctors leave the department during these years, at most 287 to 305 new doctors Diagnostic radiology specialists every year, if this year’s 287 positions or 305 positions in 2024 continue to be called, the need for new staff must be very clear, as training specialists leads to unemployment, replacement is not advisable in the summer or emigrate to other countries in the world in search of work.

proper planning

In conclusion, the report pointed out that medium and long-term planning is needed, and there is still time, and it is necessary to conduct more accurate demographic studies, including possible vacancies, needs, etc. in hospitals that are difficult to cover. Scale up the pros and see what’s really needed.

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