Did you know that as a pharmacist you have a lot in common with a football goalkeeper?

It’s amazing how many myths like “I have a cold,” “It’s better to sweat to bring down the fever,” or “Give me an antibiotic to cure the flu” have crept into consumers’ minds and spread into our pharmacies.

The pharmacy is the perfect place to stop these “balls” as if it were a goal about to take a penalty. In the middle of winter, pharmacists are required to wear gloves to eliminate all false rumors entering our pharmacies.

“I am sick”

Colds are caused by viruses.While cold does provide favorable conditions for viral reproduction, such as lowering nasal passage temperatures1colds are not the cause of colds.

“The best way to catch a cold is to sweat and reduce the fever.”

Another common misconception is: “It is a good thing to dress warmly and sweat more when you have a fever.” This is wrong and it is recommended to wear light clothes and avoid too much bedding to avoid hindering the dissipation of body heat.2.

“Can you give me antibiotics? “That will definitely cure my flu. “

Like the gatekeepers of a myth, we must go all out to stop this myth. It must be emphasized that antibiotics only act on bacteria. The message is clear: Flu and colds are viral illnesses, so antibiotics won’t work against them.

“I want a magic all-in-one pill to cure my flu!”

Cold and flu products don’t have magical properties. It’s time to stop again. A common misconception is that such products can treat the flu or cold. These products do not act on the virus but relieve symptoms.

These symptoms may vary during the infection and even between day and night.3, so it’s crucial to understand each patient’s situation to make the best recommendations. In fact, cold symptoms worsen at night in nine out of 10 patients.4, and they are likely to need specific products during this period. How to find out? Simple, ask every patient who has the flu or cold, “Are your symptoms worse at night?”

“Are your cold symptoms worse at night?”

Nine out of 10 patients have cold symptoms worsening at night4the immune system is more active at night due to its relationship with circadian rhythm3.Specifically, coughing and congestion are the worst cold symptoms at night4.

In this case, we can dispense VapoRub Ointment, whose therapeutic vapor acts as a two-in-one to relieve stuffy nose and cough5allowing cold patients to sleep like babies, benefiting from the relief of the above symptoms.

How does VapoRub Ointment relieve cough and congestion? In 2023, a new study was published analyzing how therapeutic steam works. The active ingredients in these vapors, such as menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil, have been shown to modulate various TRP* receptors in the upper respiratory tract, such as TRPM8 or TRPA1.6leading to faster relief of nasal congestion and a feeling of antitussive effect, which will improve the quality of sleep due to the relief of the above symptoms (cough and nasal congestion).


If patients are concerned about taking more than one cold product, today we know that thanks to another 2023 study of more than 1,500 consumers, 86% of whom confirmed that symptoms (cough and nasal congestion) get greater relief using VapoRub Ointment at night to treat colds and flu than using just one product7. It is important to know that VapoRub Ointment has no reported interactions with other cold and flu medications.5

“Give me some anti-flu medicine, they’re all the same.”

You have to become the pharmacy gatekeeper again to stop another goal because not all flu medicines are the same. What’s the most important difference? Some of these contain active antitussive ingredients, others do not. Why is this key?Because only 3 in 10 patients develop an infection-related cough8**, so they do not need antitussives, such as dextromethorphan, in their treatment. However, more than 60% of multi-symptom products sold contain cough suppressants in their formulations.¥. At this time, it is crucial to ask all flu and cold patients to whom we distribute flu medications: Do you have a cough?

“Are you coughing?”

At Vickers Laboratories, we believe it is necessary to treat only existing symptoms to avoid patients receiving unnecessary medications.

In this case, only 3 out of 10 cold sufferers develop an infection-related cough8**Ilvico and its 3-in-1 power to relieve fever, pain and runny nose thanks to paracetamol and brompheniramine maleate9. Additionally, it contains caffeine, which does double duty: enhancing the analgesic effects of paracetamol and preventing decay.10commonly seen in the course of these catarrhal diseases.

But what about those patients who do have a cough?

It’s important to know the type of cough they have. 89% of cough sufferers claim their coughs are phlegm-producing8**. It is important not to suppress it, as this type of cough has health benefits and promotes phlegm production. Dextromethorphan has an antitussive effect and is therefore contraindicated in patients with cough.¥¥. In this case, we introduce IlviGrip Expectorant, which has expectorant properties due to guaifenesin. Additionally, it relieves fever, mild or moderate pain, and nasal congestion, thanks to acetaminophen and phenylephrine hydrochloride.eleven.

What should patients with dry cough do? What do we know about this type of cough?


We know this is the worst first symptom at night3, awakening patients and preventing them from resting. Ilvigrip Noche is the only multi-symptom medicine on the market containing doxylamine, which helps with a good night’s rest. Additionally, it has a 4-in-1 effect that fights fever and pain (due to paracetamol), nasal congestion (due to doxylamine), and dry cough (due to dextromethorphan).12.

You haven’t thought about it, but medication is like a goalkeeper in football: you have to stop a lot of myths so they no longer become society’s beliefs. It’s your mission this cold season: Stop these rumors by asking all cold and flu sufferers two key questions: “Do your symptoms get worse at night?” “Do you have a cough?”.

*TRP = Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel. Known as a key factor in cough and airway inflammation. Reference 6 (Stinson et al.) provides specific information.

**Total number of participants: 8011 people who had a cold in the past 3 months, people without a cough (1527 people), people with recurring coughs unrelated to colds (2786 people), and people with other illnesses (990 people)) to be excluded. Ultimately, 2,708 people did have a cough as a cold symptom.

¥ Data extracted from 2023 Influenza Market Volume (January to June) – IQVIA

¥¥ Approved technical lists of all medicines containing dextromethorphan, searched in CIMA (cima.aemps.es) in August 2023

Information based on search for dry cough products of ATC group R05 on CIMA (cima.aemps.es) in January 2023

Exclusive material for health professionals. Do not spread to consumers. Air date: November 14, 2023.

Medications are not subject to a doctor’s prescription. Unfunded drugs. MAT-ES-VICKS-23-000124. Vaporub Ointment 50 g (CN.846287.2) Suggested retail price: €9.41. Starts at age 6. Ilvico 20 tablets (CN 771337) Suggested retail price: €11.98. From the age of 12. IlviGrip Oral Solution Expectorant Powder (CN 677204.1) Suggested retail price: €11.96. From the age of 12. IlviGrip Nighttime Syrup 180ml (CN 709958.1) Suggested retail price: €11.96. From the age of 12. Vickers Laboratory, SLU

1 Foxman EF, Storer JA, Fitzgerald ME, Wasik BR, Hou L, Zhao H, Turner PE, Pyle AM, Iwasaki A. Temperature-dependent innate defenses against common cold viruses limit viral replication in mouse airway cells at elevated temperatures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences A. 2015 Jan 20;112(3):827-32. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1411030112. Epub January 5, 2015. PMID: 25561542; PMCID: PMC4311828.

2 Sanz Olmos, S. Fever. Professional Pharmacy Volume 31 Issue 6.Pages 18 – 23, November 2017

3 Geiger SS, Fagundes CT, Siegel RM. Chronoimmunology: Advances and challenges in understanding the link between circadian rhythms and the immune system. Immunology. 2015 Nov;146(3):349-58. doi:10.1111/imm.12525.

4 Phillipson, G., Aspley, S. and Fietze, I. Perceptions of the importance of sleep in the common cold – two online questionnaire-based surveys. SN Compressor Clin. Medicine 2, 596–605 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42399-020-00265-5 5 VapoRub Ointment Technical Sheet. https://cima.aemps.es/cima/pdfs/es/ft/22051/FT_22051.html.pdf

6 Stinson RJ, Morris AH, Sadowski LR. Modulation of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels by plant-derived substances used in over-the-counter cough and cold remedies. Respiratory Res 2023 Feb 8;24(1):45.

7 Whiteford D, Rios J, Hengehold D, Aspley S. (2023) Relieving multi-symptoms of coughs and colds: benefits of adding Vicks VapoRub to your treatment regimen. Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases, 13, 9-27.

8 Ron Eccles, Peter Dicpinigaitis, Ronald B. Turner, Howard M. Druce, Maryann Adeleke & Ashley L. Mann (2016) Characteristics of cough urgency and cough symptoms associated with the common cold: US Internet survey results, Postgraduate Medicine, 128: 5,485 -491, DOI: 10.1080/00325481.2016.1185376 9 Ilvico Tablet Technical Sheet https://cima.aemps.es/cima/dochtml/ft/33844/FT_33844.html

10 Laska EM, Sunshine A, Mueller F, Elvers WB, Siegel C, Rubin A. Caffeine acts as an analgesic adjuvant. Jama. 1984 Apr 6;251(13):1711-8. PMID: 6366275.

eleven IlviGrip expectorant technical sheet https://cima.aemps.es/cima/dochtml/ft/73271/FT_73271.html

12 IlviGrip Night Technical Sheet https://cima.aemps.es/cima/pdfs/ft/80647/FT_80647.pdf

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