Dirty or greasy hair? Try Kendall Jenner and Meghan Markle’s chignon

Chignon for dirty or greasy hair

Chignon for dirty or greasy hair-proiezionidiborsa.it

It can happen to see that the hair appears greasy perhaps following reinforced treatments that tend to grease the hair. Sometimes due to daily commitments it happens that you don’t have time to wash your hair.

Furthermore, often, even if you wash them every day, there is a tendency to have an intense production of sebum on the scalp. So here it is some stylish hairstyles to camouflage greasy hair remembering to wash them as soon as possible!

Dirty or greasy hair? The wet look is a salvation

Do you have to go out to dinner but you just didn’t have time to freshen up your hair? Bet everything on the wet effect! If you have slightly oily roots, hair stylists recommend accentuating this look with gel or a wet-look spray. Comb your entire hair back like you just came out of the sea. The wet effect is very topical and can also help create a perfect look with a skirt or a little black dress. Remember Jamie Lee Curties in True Lies?

Chignon high above the nape of the neck

It often happens that the parts most exposed to sebum are those of the upper cap, then we can camouflage with one high bun. Gather the hair on top of your head and then swirl around the center. If you have long enough hair you can make a braid and wrap it over your head and secure it with bobby pins.

Bun with clips

Another secret used by the stars consists in pull all the hair back and collect it in two low side buns or in a single central unit. Get yourself at least three nineties style clip clips. The shinier it gets, the more distracting it will be to draw attention away from greasy hair.

Bun pulled Kendall Jenner style

The American supermodel often uses this elegant chignon. Using a light textuxe styling product, do the part in half and pull the hair behind the necktying them into one low tail. Now using a bun sponge, pass the tail through the center of the latter e secure the tips under the sponge with bobby pins. Now all that’s left is the finishing touch: just pull with the tip of a backcomb a lock of the fringe or tuft and with the gel by bringing it to the forehead curl it up like a thirties kisser. No one will think that your hair doesn’t look so fresh with this styling anymore.

Kendall Jenner and Meghan Markle-photo from Instagram

Kendall Jenner and Meghan Markle-photo from Instagram

Bow tail like Meghan Markle

Last suggestion is the low bow tail of the Duchess of Sussex. Parting in the middle and hair always very tight and you do a high tail stopping it at the bottom with an elastic band. Now create a division into two strands of the ponytail and pass the final tuft inside, the bottom of the tail. Keep going over the bottom of the ponytail always in the middle of the two strands until you get to the elastic at the top. Now stare at the last tuft of the bottom of the tail with a bobby pin. The effect will be elegant and once practiced it will take you a few moments.
Dirty or greasy hair? Try the chignon that camouflages them!

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