Displacement of Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt is a ‘red line’

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi reiterated that “there will be no movement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egypt.” On Thursday, during a public solidarity event with Palestinians at Cairo Stadium, he added that Egypt’s position is “decisive in rejecting plans to displace Palestinians, both from Gaza and the West Bank, to Egypt and Jordan.” ”. He also underlined that “we do not have the shift (a red line) and we will not accept or allow it.” Meanwhile, the Egyptian president stated that “his country has never and will never close the Rafah border crossing to humanitarian aid towards the Gaza Strip”.

Since the beginning of the crisis in the Gaza Strip following the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation on 7 October, Egypt has repeatedly warned of the danger of pushing Gazans to leave their lands towards the Sinai.

The Egyptian president has expressed on more than one occasion his country’s rejection of the “forced displacement” of Gaza residents. During a military parade of one of the Egyptian army’s divisions last month, Al-Sisi warned of the danger of compromising Egypt’s national security, stressing that “there will be no complacency in protecting Egypt’s national security,” and added on another occasion that “Egypt is a strong country that cannot be touched.”

A celebration titled “Long live Egypt… A popular response in solidarity with Palestine” saw a gathering of thousands of Egyptians, who hoisted the flags of Egypt and Palestine to the beat of patriotic songs, while dozens of trucks carrying humanitarian aid were lined up in front of the stadium before leaving for the Rafah crossing.

In his speech during the event, the Egyptian president warned that the Palestinian issue faces an “extremely dangerous and sensitive curve” in light of what he called “an uncalculated and inhumane escalation,” saying that the escalation took the “collective punishment approach”. and commit massacres as a means of imposing a reality on the ground, displacing people, and taking control of the…land.”

Al-Sisi stated that “Cairo brought 12,000 tons of aid via 1,300 trucks, of which 8,400 tons were provided by Egypt, representing 70% of the total aid.” people in the Gaza Strip with aid”, underlining that Egypt “is trying to bring the greatest amount of aid to alleviate the suffering of over two million Palestinians under siege”.

In turn, the “National Alliance for Civil Development” in Egypt announced on Thursday the launch of a new aid convoy that includes more than 500 new trucks loaded with medicines, foodstuffs, clothes and blankets, for a total weight of 8,950 tons. of aid directed to Palestine, which left in front of the Cairo Stadium, headed to the Rafah crossing to be delivered to the Palestinians, with the participation of over 15 thousand volunteers.

Meanwhile, Sisi stated that “his country has never and will never close the Rafah border crossing to humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip”, underlining that “the crossing on the Palestinian side has been bombed by Israeli forces four times ”. He stressed that “Egypt has made sincere and intense efforts to prevent the escalation of this war; This is happening at all levels, as Egypt politically held the first international summit in Cairo with broad international and regional participation to gain international recognition of the “need to stop this conflict and ensure the flow of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Gaza”.

A group photo of participants at the peace summit held in Cairo last month (Reuters)

Last month, Egypt’s new administrative capital hosted Sisi’s peace summit. The Egyptian president then underlined that “the settlement of the Palestinian question without a just solution will not happen, and in any case it will never happen at Egypt’s expense.” The Arab-Islamic summit, which was held in Riyadh this month, also called for “breaking the siege of Gaza and imposing the immediate entry into the Strip of convoys of Arab, Islamic and international humanitarian aid, including food, medicine and fuel”. .”

During his speech, Sisi underlined “the need for an immediate ceasefire and a return to the negotiating table to achieve a just and comprehensive peace based on the recognition of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, first of all the recognition of the Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.” He added: “Egypt’s joint efforts with the United States of America and our brothers in Qatar have culminated in reaching a humanitarian truce agreement for a period of four days which can be extended, and I hope that its implementation will begin in the next few days without delay or delay. procrastination.”

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