Do you have Covid-19 or the flu?These symptoms will help you identify your illness

in the middle of the season Colds, Covid-19 pandemic continues and respiratory illnesses increaseCases of influenza, Covid-19 and RSV have increased significantly due to dramatic climate changes in some parts of the country.

recent, Carlos III Health Institute “The overall incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) registered in Spanish primary care centers increased by 33%, and the number of severe cases requiring hospitalization increased by 10%.”

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After the report is released, Spanish National Epidemiological Surveillance Networkdedicated to analyzing the positivity levels of different viruses in the patients involved, showed a high probability of a disease constituting a “triademia”.

What are the “three epidemics”?

The term epidemic refers to Three respiratory viruses may be circulating at the same time: influenza or influenza, respiratory syncytial virus or RSV, and Covid-19. The situation has raised concerns about the pressure it could put on the health system and the potential for an increase in illness and hospitalizations.

How do I know if I have the flu or Covid-19?

as he Covid-19 is just like the common fluthere are several similar symptoms, but identifying them to treat them accordingly is key. The only form of absolute and 100% confirmation reliable It is done through specific specialized medical tests.

Many of them can be prepared in laboratories, others are quickly available at various pharmacies.

Mayo Clinic Recommends Get tested a few days after symptoms appearwhen it is thought that it may be “Viral PeakAdditionally, it mentions that the epidemiological peak occurs between day 1 and day 4 in the case of influenza or RSV, and between day 2 and day 14 in the case of Covid-19 .

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What are the main symptoms of “triademia” disease?

The most common symptoms of respiratory illness include: Fever, fatigue, cough, congestion and runny nose, headache, throat and chest pain, body aches and general feeling Discomfort etc.

However, these are not the only diseases Similar symptoms as those of the common cold and certain infections These same conditions can occur, so if symptoms persist for a few days, it is recommended to see a specialist.

some characteristic symptoms Covid-19, loss of taste and smellalthough not all virus variants will show these symptoms.

It is important to isolate immediately when the above symptoms appear to avoid the spread of respiratory illness, regardless of its source.

If in doubt, it is important to seek medical advice. A healthcare professional can perform a comprehensive evaluation, order specific tests, and provide guidance on treatment and symptom management.


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