Do you know the difference between the common cold and the flu? We are here to tell you – El Sol de Toluca

Due to the cold temperatures in the country, experts from the Social Security Institute of Mexican States and Municipalities (ISSEMYM) are asking for a high level of care to avoid acute respiratory infections.

Laura Elisa Mondragon Ramos, a family doctor at the institution, said winter is the peak season for infections.

The holidays are conducive to the spread of respiratory infections, so it’s important during this time to stay hydrated properly and eat citrus foods that can help strengthen your immune system.”, he pointed out.

He added that it is necessary to understand the symptoms of common cold and flu infections, as well as the care required for each condition.

The difference is subtle, a cold is an upper respiratory illness caused by a mild virus. Its evolution is gradual and slow; nasal congestion, sneezing, headache, sore throat, and general malaise occur.It has three to five days of evolution and improvement“.

Refers influenza,show “This usually occurs seasonally, that is, according to the seasons. They have the same symptoms as a cold, but in these cases the illness manifests itself as fever and requires special treatment, general care and isolation.“.

Mondragon Ramos noted that the most important thing is not to self-medicate. “Patients often seek antibiotics immediately, but most infections are initially caused by viruses rather than bacteria. Antibiotics are used specifically against bacteria, and over-the-counter use may lead to the development of drug resistance in the body. “


Finally, the expert explains that if not treated properly, the common cold can develop and have serious consequences for our health, so for both cases she also recommends:

  • Maintain good ventilation in the room.
  • Monitor heater usage.
  • Reinforce necessary measures to avoid infection, such as hand hygiene, using a mask, and seeing a doctor if you experience the above symptoms.

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