Do you ride a bike or want to start?Learn about its physical and mental health benefits

the bicycle has become Very popular choice among people looking for a healthy lifestylethereby contributing to physical and mental improvement.

on the other hand, Cycling also fulfills the function of an ecological vehicle It not only contributes to the earth and mobility, But it’s also a way to stay active before and after completing daily tasks.

According to the Mapfre Health Portal, these are some Cycling is good for your body and mind.

when doing this exercise We increase aerobic capacity and lung capacityallowing our lungs to perform a very efficient gas exchange (O2/CO2), just like crossfit.

According to expert research, Cycling makes it easier to oxygenate the brain and produce some hormones Together with the experience of physical activity, it helps to fight stress (nervous system fatigue) and improve our mental health, thereby avoiding states of anxiety, sadness and depression.

Some hormones produced through exercise are:

Endorphins: Induce happiness.

Dopamine: Produce a pleasant feeling.

Serotonin: Promotes sleep.

Also read: How much exercise should we get in each week?

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The muscles we exercise when cycling are Quadriceps and Hamstrings, these functions come into play very quickly when we are on the bike. Other muscles involved, though less affected, include the twins and gluteus maximus.

In addition, regular cycling builds back strength because When we lean toward the handlebars, the muscles in the lower back tense, stabilizing the torso and protecting the spine from vibration and impact.

Somehow, this tilt Reduce back pain from a sedentary lifestyleand the possibility of developing a hernia.

Enhances heart function and reduces bad cholesterol

If we cycle regularly and gradually intensify our activity, We make the heart push the blood with greater force, This will facilitate the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. This in turn has an indirect effect on the flexibility of blood vessels.

This approach will help Strengthens the circulatory system and heart, This will result in a lower resting heart rate. As a result, all our daily activities become more efficient.

Another benefit is that the main process of burning calories will be targeting fat (through aerobic capacity), which will translate into a reduction in LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) and a reduction in HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) Increase. “).

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Healthier, stronger knees and joints

Unlike activities such as running, Leg Muscle Development While Cycling It improves support and stability, especially in the knees.

This advantage is enhanced by the fact that most of the weight is supported by the as to avoid the impact on the joint.

Apart from, Continuous, repetitive pedaling movements have a positive effect on the distribution of nutrients through cartilageto help make joints healthier, more durable, and more protected.

Cycling is not recommended for people with the following medical conditions curvature of the spine or knee injurysuch as patella patella, patellar tendonitis, or iliotibial band syndrome.

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Cellulite is a problem that plagues women, and there are creams and treatments that can improve the condition. However, one of the benefits of cycling is that it can effectively fight cellulite, Massage the skin by stepping on it to actively expel moisture and toxins from the body Prevents fat accumulation by burning fat for energy.

strengthen the immune system

A study in the journal Aging Cell Cycling can counteract the effects of aging and revive the immune system, study shows. The results of this study suggest that cyclists are able to maintain muscle mass and strength as they age. Furthermore, in the case of men, it was observed that their testosterone levels remained in a relatively high range.

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