Do you take anti-flu medications to fight your cold?Here’s what you need to know before using it

Another problem Diego Ramonfaur identified was that many of his colleagues continued to prescribe the drug to treat the common cold. “Even within the union itself, things are not going the way they should be. And they are making the use of drugs inadequate.

Chlorpheniramine, first-generation antihistamine

“Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine, that is, it blocks the effects of histamine, a hormone that regulates blood vessel dilation. This effect causes the nasal tissue to become less congested, thereby relieving nasal congestion feeling. Chlorpheniramine is a first-generation antihistamine, which means it has side effects on the brain, including sedation. There are already second- and third-generation antihistamines that have the same decongestant effects , but without brain side effects. Why use old antihistamines with side effects?” the doctor asked. Chlorpheniramine and other first-generation antihistamines are sold in the United States, but their use is limited to severe allergic reactions.

Chlorpheniramine can cause drowsiness and tachycardia, side effects that can be avoided by purchasing a second- or third-generation antihistamine. “There are many pharmacies that sell them at the same price without having to risk these side effects. Perhaps, a healthy young person can cope with the side effects without any problem, but, for example, in an older person they can trigger falls, The consequences may be more serious than heart attack, delirium, or excessive sedation, especially if used in combination with other medications.

Why is this medicine still sold?

The laboratory selling Antiflu-Des is called CHINOIN, a Mexican company founded in 1925 that is dedicated to the development, manufacturing and marketing of drugs and is headquartered in Rincón de Romos, Aguascalientes. Mexican laboratories such as CHINOIN are regulated by the local authority’s Federal Commission for the Protection of Health Risks (COFEPRIS). And, although they often follow international regulations, many times these standards are outdated due to a lack of staff, budget, or research.

For Diego Ramonfor, the anti-flu drug is still around because people continue to buy it. “It’s not difficult for them to sell it, so they don’t need to change it because they still have sales.”

Paracetamol can be toxic if recommended doses are exceeded

A paracetamol overdose occurs when someone takes more than the recommended amount of the drug. Paracetamol overdose is one of the most common poisonings. This drug is often considered very safe. However, if taken in large doses, it can be fatal.

Adults should take no more than 3,000 milligrams of acetaminophen per day as a single ingredient, or less if you are 65 years or older. Taking too much, especially 7,000 mg or more, may result in severe overdose. If you have kidney or liver disease, you should discuss the use of this medication with your healthcare provider.

But acetaminophen poisoning is a rare event, mainly because of its high therapeutic range. The fatal effects of ingesting them are usually caused by complications caused by them, although they occur both in suicide and in overdose seeking analgesia (accidental drug poisoning) due to the direct effect of the drug. “Paracetaminophen is used in large amounts, it is a very noble drug, but when the amount exceeds 4 grams, it is very dangerous and people can die,” said Diego Ramonfor, who also completed his master’s degree Ramonfaur explains. The Department of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, which focuses on epidemiology and statistics, recommends the moderate use of second- or third-generation antihistamines to treat the common cold.

Regardless, it is a commonly used drug. “Besides the side effects, the reason I don’t recommend Antiflu-Des is that amantadine doesn’t work. There’s no point in buying something that doesn’t work,” says Diego Ramonfor, who admits that many drugs generally have side effect.

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