Doctors advise Cadiz residents not to visit health centers at first symptoms of coronavirus, cold or flu

Fatigue, headache, nasal congestion, sneezing or other symptoms are the most typical symptoms of this season. When we all suffer from these illnesses, it can be difficult to tell whether it’s a common cold, the flu, or the more serious coronavirus.and crowded public health As the number of respiratory illness cases continues to increase, it is important to differentiate between what we must know and how to act.

this Flu has the same symptoms as the common coldHowever, it happens more suddenly and with greater intensity.Key factors for this disease include High fever, general muscle and joint pain, extreme fatigue, and general malaise. In contrast, the common cold shares symptoms with the flu but originates from a different family of viruses, with rhinovirus being the most common.

Don’t go to the doctor “right away”

If you have these symptoms, you do not need to go to a health center (As long as the fever does not last more than five days).all you have to do is rest and drink a lot liquid. For headaches or fevers, there are medications you can take. It is important to remember that antibiotics cannot improve symptoms or speed healing because they have no effect on viruses.

For its part, the coronavirus caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus exhibits characteristic symptoms also found in the flu or common cold, such as fever, cough, and fatigue. However, in some cases, extreme difficulty breathing and loss of taste and smell can also occur. As far as we know, Coronavirus disproportionately affects high-risk groups Examples include the elderly, people with cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, or people with weakened immune systems.

Just like the flu or a cold, No need to go to the health center, rest and drinking plenty of fluids are also enough. If you feel short of breath or have a fever above 38 degrees for more than three days, you must contact your Primary Care Health Center who will tell us what to do.

Spend some bad days trying not to get infected, It’s better to prevent these respiratory diseases. For this reason, Lanier Pharmaceuticals offers some suggestions, such as a nutritious diet. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, and leafy greens (spinach, beets) are great for boosting your defenses because they contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Pair it with legumes and seeds such as soybeans, cocoa or lentils, which promote adequate digestion in addition to providing adequate support to the immune system.

Another suggestion emphasizes the need Added Vitamin C and beta-glucan into your daily routine. Many of us know the importance of vitamin C for our defenses, however, we don’t know how to add it to our daily lives. Fruits like oranges, lemons or kiwis are perfect for achieving this, whether for breakfast or as an afternoon snack. If you want to enhance its effects, Vitamin C has a perfect synergy with beta-glucan, an excellent immune modulator that we find in cereals or mushrooms.A large number of scientific studies have shown Beta glucan with chemical bonds (1,3) and (1,6) has the ability to activate the immune system, especially focusing on food supplements. Lanier Pharma offers Immunizat based on beta-glucan, tannins, zinc, selenium, vitamins C and D, which strengthens the body’s defenses by inducing trained immunity against any possible infection.

Hygiene and Prevention

still have a question: Hygiene and Prevention, first.he handwashing Frequency and use hydroalcoholic gel This should be a habit to consider, not just when there’s a wave of infections or you contract COVID-19, but anytime.exactly Viruses can survive from hours to days on different types of surfaces, whether on public transport or in your own home. Likewise, in line with the latest health regulations, it is recommended to wear masks in public places and enclosed spaces, which can help prevent further spread of the virus.

at last, Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature. It is recommended in cold climates to use an appropriate number of layers to regulate temperature and avoid exposure to sudden changes in temperature.

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