Doctors at San Juan de Dios hospital in Los Andes to be formally charged with quasi-homicide

The trial of Isabel Luz Klenner Cubillos and María Pilar Hoflinger Parra is scheduled for October 23 next year at 9:00 a.m. in the Court of Guarantees of the Andes. Pilar Hofflinger Parra and Petra Matilde Torres Cedeño, who were convicted after the death of Martín Pascual Reinoso Charged with quasi-homicide Coincidentally, Soto was born on December 14, 2019, the same day the minor turned two years old.

The complaint filed by attorneys José Pérez and Felipe Olea shows that the case began on December 8 of that year, when Martin was taken to the children’s emergency room of San Juan de Dios Hospital with a fever. and vomiting. repeat.

Dr. María Hofflinger treated the baby and, after examining the results of blood and urine tests, diagnosed him with “mild SBO (obstructive bronchial syndrome) – SBO (recurrent Obstructive bronchial syndrome) – chronic AG gastroenteritis, which has been controlled and treated. (Treatment)”, and he was sent to receive corresponding treatment at home.

Martin’s condition did not improve, and after multiple trips to the hospital, the minor died of “refractory septic shock, pulmonary lesions/extensive right-sided pleural effusion,” the Valparaiso Courier reported /Multiple Organ Failure”.

The family’s lawyer, Felipe Olea, explained that the defendants’ side had “been kept secret until now.”

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